Species Distribution Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘sdm’ version 1.2-32

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A B C D E F G I L M N P R S W misc

-- A --

add add a new method to the package
add-method add a new method to the package
Arith-methods Combine (merge) two sdmModels into a single object
as.data.frame Get a data.frame with record id values (rID)
as.data.frame-method Get a data.frame with record id values (rID)

-- B --

background Generate background (pseudo-absence) records
background-method Generate background (pseudo-absence) records
boxplot boxplot
boxplot-method boxplot

-- C --

calibration Calibration
calibration-method Calibration
characterORmissing-class sdmModels classes
characterORnull-class sdmModels classes
coords get or set spatial coordinates of species data
coords-method get or set spatial coordinates of species data
coords<- get or set spatial coordinates of species data
coords<--method get or set spatial coordinates of species data
CRSorNULL-class sdmModels classes

-- D --

data.frameORmatrix-class sdmModels classes
data.frameORnull-class sdmModels classes
density density
density-method density

-- E --

ensemble Ensemble Forecasting of SDMs
ensemble-method Ensemble Forecasting of SDMs
environmentORnull-class sdmModels classes
evaluates evaluate for accuracy
evaluates-method evaluate for accuracy
expressionORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- F --

featuresFrame-class featureFrame class
formulaORnull-class sdmModels classes
functionORcharacter-class sdmModels classes
functionORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- G --

getEvaluation evaluate for accuracy
getEvaluation-method evaluate for accuracy
getmethod add a new method to the package
getmethod-method add a new method to the package
getmethodNames add a new method to the package
getmethodNames-method add a new method to the package
getModelId Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getModelId-method Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getModelInfo Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getModelInfo-method Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getModelObject Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getModelObject-method Get information/modelIDs relevant to fitted models in a sdmModels object
getReplication evaluate for accuracy
getReplication-method evaluate for accuracy
getResponseCurve Generate and plot response curves
getResponseCurve-method Generate and plot response curves
getRoc plot ROC curves
getRoc-method plot ROC curves
getVarImp variable importance
getVarImp-method variable importance
gui Graphical User Interface
gui-method Graphical User Interface

-- I --

installAll install all packages that may be required by the package
installAll-method install all packages that may be required by the package
integerORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- L --

listORcharacter-class sdmModels classes
listORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- M --

matrixORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- N --

names Names of species
names-method Names of species
names<- Names of species
names<--method Names of species
niche Generate and plot Ecological Niche
niche-method Generate and plot Ecological Niche
nicheSimilarity Niche Similarity
nicheSimilarity-method Niche Similarity
numericORnull-class sdmModels classes

-- P --

pca Principle Component Analysis
pca-method Principle Component Analysis
plot-method Generate and plot Ecological Niche
plot-method Generate and plot response curves
predict sdm model prediction
predict-method sdm model prediction
princomp-class Principle Component Analysis

-- R --

rcurve Generate and plot response curves
rcurve-method Generate and plot response curves
read.sdm read/write sdm* object from/to a file
read.sdm-method read/write sdm* object from/to a file
roc plot ROC curves
roc-method plot ROC curves

-- S --

sdm Fit and evaluate species distribution models
sdm-method Fit and evaluate species distribution models
sdmAdapt Adapting sdm* objects in the new version
sdmAdapt-method Adapting sdm* objects in the new version
sdmCorrelativeMethod-class sdmCorrelativeMethod class
sdmData creating sdm Data object
sdmdata-class An S4 class representing sdm dataset
sdmData-method creating sdm Data object
sdmEvaluate-class sdmModels classes
sdmFormula-class sdmModels classes
sdmModels-class sdmModels classes
sdmSetting creating sdmSetting object
sdmSetting-method creating sdmSetting object
show-method sdmModels classes
show-method creating sdmSetting object
show-method An S4 class representing sdm dataset
subset Subset models in a sdmModels object
subset-method Subset models in a sdmModels object

-- W --

write.sdm read/write sdm* object from/to a file
write.sdm-method read/write sdm* object from/to a file

-- misc --

+-method Combine (merge) two sdmModels into a single object
.pcaObject-class sdmModels classes
[-method Indexing to extract records of a sdmdata object
[[-method Subset models in a sdmModels object