Statistical Disclosure Control for Spatial Data

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Documentation for package ‘sdcSpatial’ version 0.5.2

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sdcSpatial-package Privacy Protected maps
disclosure_risk Calculate disclosure risk for raster cells
dwellings Simulated dwellings data set
enterprises Simulated data set with enterprise locations.
is_sensitive Return raster with sensitive locations.
is_sensitive_at Calculate sensitivity from a sdc_raster at x,y locations.
mask_grid Mask coordinates using a grid
mask_random Mask coordinates using random pertubation
mask_sensitive Remove sensitive cells from raster
mask_voronoi Mask coordinates using voronoi masking
mask_weighted_random Mask coordinates using weighted random pertubation
plot.sdc_raster Plot a sdc_raster object
plot_sensitive Plot the sensitive cells of the sdc_raster.
protect_neighborhood protects raster by summing over the neighborhood
protect_quadtree Protect a raster with a quadtree method.
protect_smooth Protect a sdc_raster by smoothing
remove_sensitive Remove sensitive cells from raster
sdcSpatial Privacy Protected maps
sdc_raster Create a raster map with privacy awareness
sensitivity_score Mean sensitivity for raster
smooth_raster Create kde density version of a raster