tetris2015 {sdamr} | R Documentation |
Tetris and intrusive memories
Tetris and intrusive memories
A data frame with 72 rows and 28 variables:
- Condition
(factor) Condition: Control, Tetris_Reactivation, Tetris, or Reactivation
- Time_of_Day
Time of day participant commenced experiment, either "morning” or “afternoon”
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II): Total score
Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Trait scale (STAI): Total score
- pre_film_VAS_Sad
Self-rated level of Sadness: Pre-film VAS mood. VAS = visual analogue scale. All VAS mood scales anchored from “not at all” to “extremely” in response to the question “Right at this very moment I am feeling”. Composite for pre-film mood calculated by summing the six pre-film VAS mood ratings
- pre_film_VAS_Hopeless
Self-rated level of Hopelessness: Pre-film VAS mood
- pre_film_VAS_Depressed
Self-rated level of Depressed: Pre-film VAS mood
- pre_film_VAS_Fear
Self-rated level of Fear: Pre-film VAS mood
- pre_film_VAS_Horror
Self-rated level of Horror: Pre-film VAS mood
- pre_film_VAS_Anxious
Self-rated level of Anxiousness: Pre-film VAS mood
- post_film_VAS_Sad
Self-rated level of Sadness: Post-film VAS mood. Composite for post-film mood calculated by summing the six post-film VAS mood ratings
- post_film_VAS_Hopeless
Self-rated level of Hopelessness: Post-film VAS mood
- post_film_VAS_Depressed
Self-rated level of Depressed: Post-film VAS mood
- post_film_VAS_Fear
Self-rated level of Fear: Post-film VAS mood
- post_film_VAS_Horror
Self-rated level of Horror: Post-film VAS mood
- post_film_VAS_Anxious
Self-rated level of Anxious: Post-film VAS mood
- Attention_Paid_to_Film
Attention paid to the film rating: How much attention did you pay to the film from 0-not at all to 10-extremely
- Post_film_Distress
Post film distress rating: How distressing did you find the film from 0-not at all to 10-extremely
- Day_Zero_Number_of_Intrusions
Day 0: Number of image-based intrusive memories in the Intrusion Diary (pre-intervention)
- Days_One_to_Seven_Number_of_Intrusions
Days 1-7: Number of image-based intrusive memories in the Intrusion Diary (post-intervention)
- Visual_Recognition_Memory_Test
Visual recognition memory test score: Number of correct responses (out of 22)
- Verbal_Recognition_Memory_Test
Verbal recognition memory test score: Number of correct responses (out of 32)
- Number_of_Provocation_Task_Intrusions
Intrusion Provocation Task (IPT): Number of image-based intrusive memories during 2min laboratory task on Day 7
- Diary_Compliance
Diary compliance rating - indicate how accurate you think your diary is from 1 - not at all accurate to 10 extremely
- IES_R_Intrusion_subscale
Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R): Intrusion Subscale
- Tetris_Total_Score
Tetris game play computer score total - cumulative (sum of all games). Only participants who played Tetris have data relating to Tetris_Total_Score
- Self_Rated_Tetris_Performance
Self-rated Tetris performance: How difficult or easy did you find the game you just played. Only participants who played Tetris have data relating to Self_Rated_Tetris_Performance.
- Tetris_Demand_Rating
Demand rating: How much did you think Tetris after a distressing film would increase or decrease intrusive memories of the film: -10: extremely decrease, to +10: extremely increase
https://osf.io/ideta/. See also James et al., 'Computer Game Play Reduces Intrusive Memories of Experimental Trauma via Reconsolidation-Update Mechanisms'.