bullseye |
An imbalanced dataset with a minor class centered around the origin with a majority class surrounding the center. |
imbalance |
An imbalanced dataset with randomly placed normal distributions around the origin. The nth class has n * 10 observations. |
oversample_smote |
Oversample a dataset by SMOTE. |
resample_random |
Randomly resample a dataset. |
sample_classes |
Stratified index sample of different values in a vector. |
SMOTE and cluster-based undersampling technique. |
SCUT_parallel |
SMOTE and cluster-based undersampling technique. |
undersample_hclust |
Undersample a dataset by hierarchical clustering. |
undersample_kmeans |
Undersample a dataset by kmeans clustering. |
undersample_mclust |
Undersample a dataset by expectation-maximization clustering |
undersample_mindist |
Undersample a dataset by iteratively removing the observation with the lowest total distance to its neighbors of the same class. |
undersample_tomek |
Undersample a dataset by removing Tomek links. |
validate_dataset |
Validate a dataset for resampling. |
wine |
Type and chemical analysis of three different kinds of wine. |