execute {scriptexec}R Documentation

Executes a script and returns the output. The stdout and stderr are captured and returned. In case of errors, the exit code will return in the status field.


Executes a script and returns the output. The stdout and stderr are captured and returned. In case of errors, the exit code will return in the status field.


execute(script = "", args = c(), env = character(), wait = TRUE,
  runner = NULL, print_commands = FALSE, get_runtime_script = FALSE)



The script text


Optional script command line arguments (arguments are added as variables in the script named ARG1, ARG2, ...)


Optional character vector of name=value strings to set environment variables


A TRUE/FALSE parameter, indicating whether the function should wait for the command to finish, or run it asynchronously (output status will be -1)


The executable used to invoke the script (by default cmd.exe for windows, sh for other platforms)


True if to print each command before invocation (not available for windows)


True to return the actual invoked script in a script output parameter


The process output, status code (in case wait=TRUE), error message (in case of any errors) and invoked script in the form of list(status = status, output = output_text, error = error_message, script = script)



# execute script text
output <- scriptexec::execute('echo command1\necho command2')
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
expect_equal(grepl('command1', output$output), TRUE)
expect_equal(grepl('command2', output$output), TRUE)

if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
    ls_command <- 'dir'
} else {
    ls_command <- 'ls'
output <- scriptexec::execute(c('echo user home:', ls_command))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)

# execute multiple commands as a script
output <- scriptexec::execute(c('cd', 'echo test'))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)

# pass arguments (later defined as ARG1, ARG2, ...) and env vars
if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
    command <- 'echo %ARG1% %ARG2% %MYENV%'
} else {
    command <- 'echo $ARG1 $ARG2 $MYENV'
output <- scriptexec::execute(command, args = c('TEST1', 'TEST2'), env = c('MYENV=TEST3'))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
expect_equal(grepl('TEST1 TEST2 TEST3', output$output), TRUE)

# non zero status code is returned in case of errors
expect_warning(output <- scriptexec::execute('exit 1'))
expect_equal(output$status, 1)

# do not wait for command to finish
output <- scriptexec::execute('echo my really long task', wait = FALSE)
expect_equal(output$status, -1)

[Package scriptexec version 0.3.1 Index]