execute {scriptexec} | R Documentation |
Executes a script and returns the output. The stdout and stderr are captured and returned. In case of errors, the exit code will return in the status field.
Executes a script and returns the output. The stdout and stderr are captured and returned. In case of errors, the exit code will return in the status field.
execute(script = "", args = c(), env = character(), wait = TRUE,
runner = NULL, print_commands = FALSE, get_runtime_script = FALSE)
script |
The script text |
args |
Optional script command line arguments (arguments are added as variables in the script named ARG1, ARG2, ...) |
env |
Optional character vector of name=value strings to set environment variables |
wait |
A TRUE/FALSE parameter, indicating whether the function should wait for the command to finish, or run it asynchronously (output status will be -1) |
runner |
The executable used to invoke the script (by default cmd.exe for windows, sh for other platforms) |
print_commands |
True if to print each command before invocation (not available for windows) |
get_runtime_script |
True to return the actual invoked script in a script output parameter |
The process output, status code (in case wait=TRUE), error message (in case of any errors) and invoked script in the form of list(status = status, output = output_text, error = error_message, script = script)
# execute script text
output <- scriptexec::execute('echo command1\necho command2')
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
expect_equal(grepl('command1', output$output), TRUE)
expect_equal(grepl('command2', output$output), TRUE)
if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
ls_command <- 'dir'
} else {
ls_command <- 'ls'
output <- scriptexec::execute(c('echo user home:', ls_command))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
# execute multiple commands as a script
output <- scriptexec::execute(c('cd', 'echo test'))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
# pass arguments (later defined as ARG1, ARG2, ...) and env vars
if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
command <- 'echo %ARG1% %ARG2% %MYENV%'
} else {
command <- 'echo $ARG1 $ARG2 $MYENV'
output <- scriptexec::execute(command, args = c('TEST1', 'TEST2'), env = c('MYENV=TEST3'))
expect_equal(output$status, 0)
expect_equal(grepl('TEST1 TEST2 TEST3', output$output), TRUE)
# non zero status code is returned in case of errors
expect_warning(output <- scriptexec::execute('exit 1'))
expect_equal(output$status, 1)
# do not wait for command to finish
output <- scriptexec::execute('echo my really long task', wait = FALSE)
expect_equal(output$status, -1)