bitmap2png |
Converts a bitmap image to PNG using |
clipboard2bitmap |
Save clipboard image to temporary BMP file |
clipboard_sample |
Sample data of clipboard bitmap array |
compare_table |
Compare values within tow arrays or matrices. Helper function for 'locate_ndl_in_hay()'. |
count_val_freq |
Helper function for 'compare_table()'. |
create_header |
Create a BMP header |
display_corner |
Get display corner of screen |
display_size |
Get the size of the display. |
get_clipboard_image |
Retrieves the image from the clipboard |
get_os |
Get OS name |
hay2needle |
Cut off a part of image from a whole image. |
hex2little_endian |
Convert hexadecimal string to little-endian |
image2gray_matrix |
Convert cimg class into grayscale xy matrix. Helper function for 'locate_image()'. Use grayscale to Speed up and to simplify code. |
index2xy |
Convert array index into xy location in matrix. Helper function for 'locate_ndl_in_hay()'. |
install_screenshot |
Install command line screenshot for Windows. |
is_all_same |
Helper function for 'locate_ndl_in_hay()'. |
locate_image |
Locate needle image position on a screenshot image. |
locate_ndl_in_hay |
Locate needle image matrix position in a haystack_image matrix. Helper function for 'locate_image()'. |
save_bmp |
Save an image as a BMP file |
save_clipboard_image |
Saves an image from the clipboard to a file |
screenshot |
Take a screenshot. |
screenshot_exists |
Find screenshot exec file. |
xy_pos |
Get xy position of a value in a matrix Helper function for 'locate_ndl_in_hay()'. |