adj_CDF_logit | A novel data representation based on Poisson probability |
cluster_size | Cluster size |
clust_clean | Cluster label clean |
diff_gene_list | Differential expression analysis |
fwer_cutoff-shc | get FWER cutoffs for shc object |
fwer_cutoff.shc | get FWER cutoffs for shc object |
get_example_data | get example data |
HclustDepart | Cluster cells in a recursive way |
interpolate | Linear interpolation for one sample given reference sample |
logit | Logit transformation |
LouvainDepart | Louvain clustering using departure as data representation |
nboot_small | Random sample generation function to generate sets of samples from theoretical Poisson distribution. |
new_quantile | A more "continuous" approximation of quantiles of samples with a few integer case |
new_quantile_pois | A more "continuous" approximation of quantiles from the theoretical Poisson distribution. |
para_est_new | Parameter estimates based on two-way approximation |
qqplot_env_pois | Q-Q plot comparing samples with a theoretical Poisson distribution |
qqplot_small_test | Q-Q plot comparing two samples with small discrete counts |
qq_interpolation | Paired quantile after interpolation between two samples |
scppp | Generate New scppp object |
sigp | Significance for first split using sigclust2 |
theme_dirk | Dirk theme ggplots |