Maximum-Likelihood Perfect Phylogeny Inference at Scale

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Documentation for package ‘scistreer’ version 1.2.0

Help Pages

annotate_tree Find maximum lilkelihood assignment of mutations on a tree
get_mut_graph Convert a single-cell phylogeny with mutation placements into a mutation graph
gtree_small Smaller example annotated tree built from P_small
ladderize From ape; will remove once new ape version is released
mut_nodes_small Mutation placements calculated from tree_small and P_small
mut_to_tree Transfer mutation assignment onto a single-cell phylogeny
perform_nni Maximum likelihood tree search via NNI
plot_phylo_heatmap Plot phylogeny and mutation heatmap
P_example Example genotype probability matrix
P_small Smaller example genotype probability matrix
run_scistree Run the scistree workflow
score_tree Score a tree based on maximum likelihood
to_phylo Convert the phylogeny from tidygraph to phylo object modified from R package alakazam, converts a tbl_graph to a phylo object
tree_small Smaller example tree built from P_small
tree_upgma Example tree built using UPGMA from P_small