author_position |
Get author order. |
compare_scholars |
Compare the citation records of multiple scholars |
compare_scholar_careers |
Compare the careers of multiple scholars |
format_authors |
format_authors |
format_publications |
format_publications |
get_article_cite_history |
Gets the citation history of a single article |
get_article_scholar_url |
Gets the URL to the google scholar website of an article. |
get_citation_history |
Get historical citation data for a scholar |
get_coauthors |
Gets the network of coauthors of a scholar |
get_complete_authors |
Get the Complete list of authors for a Publication |
get_journalrank |
Get journal ranking. |
get_num_articles |
Calculates how many articles a scholar has published |
get_num_distinct_journals |
Gets the number of distinct journals in which a scholar has published |
get_num_top_journals |
Gets the number of top journals in which a scholar has published |
get_oldest_article |
Gets the year of the oldest article for a scholar |
get_profile |
Gets profile information for a scholar |
get_publications |
Gets the publications for a scholar |
get_publication_abstract |
Gets the abstract for a publication id. |
get_publication_data_extended |
Gets the full data for a publication |
get_publication_date |
Gets the full date for a publication |
get_publication_url |
Gets the PDF URL for a publication id. |
get_scholar_id |
Search for Google Scholar ID by name and affiliation |
get_scholar_resp |
Recursively try to GET a Google Scholar Page storing session cookies |
plot_coauthors |
Plot a network of coauthors |
predict_h_index |
Predicts the h-index for a researcher |
set_scholar_mirror |
set_scholar_mirror |