hex_to_lab |
Convert hex RGB values to Lab space. |
hex_to_rgb |
Convert hexadecimal colours to RGB colour channels. |
hex_to_xyz |
Convert hex RGB values to XYZ space. |
hsl_to_hsv |
Convert HSL to HSV |
hsl_to_lab |
Convert HSL to Lab |
hsl_to_rgb |
Convert HSL space into RGB space |
hsl_to_xyz |
Convert HSL to XYZ |
hsv_to_hsl |
Convert HSV to HSL |
hsv_to_lab |
Convert HSV to Lab |
hsv_to_rgb |
Convert HSV to RGB |
hsv_to_xyz |
Convert HSV to XYZ |
image_to_pallette |
Develop a usable colour palette form an image. |
lab_to_hex |
Convert from Lab space into hex RGB colour values. |
lab_to_hsl |
Convert Lab to HSL |
lab_to_hsv |
Convert Lab to HSv |
lab_to_rgb |
Convert from Lab space into RGB colour channels. |
lab_to_xyz |
Convert from Lab space to XYZ colour channels. |
palette-method |
Plot the colour palette |
plot-method |
Plot the clustered image data |
rgb_to_hex |
Convert RGB colour channels to hex colour codes. |
rgb_to_hsl |
Convert RGB space into HSL space |
rgb_to_hsv |
Convert RGB to HSV |
rgb_to_lab |
Convert from RGB colour channels to Lab space. |
rgb_to_xyz |
Convert from RGB colour channels to XYZ space. |
schemr-class |
Create the schemr class, which holds the palette and image data |
xyz_to_hex |
Convert from XYZ space into hex RGB colour values. |
xyz_to_hsl |
Convert XYZ to HSL |
xyz_to_hsv |
Convert XYZ to HSV |
xyz_to_lab |
Convert from XYZ colour channels to Lab space. |
xyz_to_rgb |
Convert from RGB colour channels to XYZ space. |