scar {scar}R Documentation

Compute the maximum likelihood estimator of the generalised additive regression with shape constraints


This function uses the active set algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimator (mle) of the generalised additive regression with shape constraints. Each component function of the additive predictors is assumed to belong to one of the nine possible shape restrictions. The estimator's value at the data points is unique.

The output is an object of class scar which contains all the information needed to plot the estimator using the plot method, or to evaluate it using the predict method.


scar(x, y, shape = rep("l", d), family = gaussian(),
  weights = rep(1, length(y)), epsilon = 1e-08)



Observed covariates in RdR^d, in the form of an n×dn \times d numeric matrix.


Observed responses, in the form of a numeric vector of length nn.


A vector that specifies the shape restrictions for each component function, in the form of a string vector of length dd. The string allowed and its corresponding shape constraint is listed as follows (see Details):

l: linear

in: monotonically increasing

de: monotonically decreasing

cvx: convex

cvxin: convex and increasing

cvxde: convex and decreasing

ccv: concave

ccvin: concave and increasing

ccvde: concave and decreasing


A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. This can be a character string naming a family function, a family function or the result of a call to a family function. Currently only the following five common exponential families are allowed: Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson, and Gamma. By default the canonical link function is used.


An optional vector of prior weights to be used when maximising the likelihood. It is a numeric vector of length nn. By default equal weights are used.


Positive convergence tolerance epsilon when performing the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) method at each iteration of the active set algorithm. See glm.control for more details.


For i=1,,ni = 1,\ldots,n, let XiX_i be the dd-dimensional covariates, YiY_i be the corresponding one-dimensional response and wiw_i be its weight. The generalised additive model can be written as

g(μ)=f(x),g(\mu) = f(x),

where x=(x1,,xd)Tx=(x_1,\ldots,x_d)^T, gg is a known link function and ff is an additive function (to be estimated).

Assume the canonical link function is used here, then the maximum likelihood estimator of the generalised additive model based on observations (X1,Y1),,(Xn,Yn)(X_1,Y_1), \ldots, (X_n,Y_n) is the function that maximises

1ni=1nwi{Yif(Xi)B(f(Xi))}\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \{Y_i f(X_i) - B(f(X_i))\}

subject to the restrictions that for every j=1,,dj = 1,\ldots,d, the jj-th additive component of ff satisfies the constraint indicated by the jj-th element of shape. Here B(.)B(.) is the log-partition function of the specified exponential family distribution, and wiw_i are the weights. For i.i.d. data, wiw_i should be 11 for each ii.

To make each component of ff identifiable, we write

f(x)=j=1dfj(xj)+cf(x) = \sum_{j=1}^d f_j(x_j) + c

and let fj(0)=0f_j(0) = 0 for every j=1,,dj = 1,\ldots,d. In case zero is outside the range of the jj-th observed covariate, for the sake of convenience, we set fjf_j to be zero at the sample mean of the jj-th predictor.

This problem can then be re-written as a concave optimisation problem, and our function uses the active set algorithm to find out the maximum likelihood estimator. A general introduction can be found in Nocedal and Wright (2006). A detailed description of our algorithm can be found in Chen and Samworth (2016). See also Groeneboom, Jongbloed and Wellner (2008) for some theoretical supports.


An object of class scar, with the following components:


Covariates copied from input.


Response copied from input.


Shape vector copied from input.


The vector of weights copied from input.


The exponential family copied from input.


Value of the fitted component function at each observed covariate, in the form of an n×dn \times d numeric matrix, where the element at the ii-th row and the jj-th column is the value of fjf_j at the jj-th coordinate of XiX_i, with the identifiability condition satisfied (see Details)


The estimated value of the constant cc in the additive function ff (see Details).


Up to a constant, minus twice the maximised log-likelihood. Where applicable, the constant is chosen to make the saturated model to have zero deviance. See also glm.


The deviance for the null model.


Total number of iterations of the active set algorithm



We acknowledge that from the R package stats is called to perform the method of iterated reweighted least squares (IRLS) in our routine. It is possible to speed up the implementation considerably by simply suppressing all the run-time checks there.

If all the component functions are linear, then it is prefered to call directly the function glm.

For the one-dimensional covariate, see the pool adjacent violators algorithm (PAVA) of Robertson, Wright and Dykstra (1998) and the support reduction method of Groeneboom, Jongbloed and Wellner (2008).

A different approach to tackle this problem is to use splines. See the R package scam. We stress here that our approach is free of tuning parameters while scam is not, which can be viewed as a major difference.

To estimate the generalised additive regression function without any shape restrictions, see Wood (2004) and Hastie and Tibshirani (1990). Their corresponding R implementations are mgcv and gam.


Yining Chen and Richard Samworth


Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2016). Generalized additive and index models with shape constraints. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 78, 729-754.

Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2008). The support reduction algorithm for computing non-parametric function estimates in mixture models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 35, 385-399.

Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (1990). Generalized Additive Models. Chapman and Hall, London.

Meyer, M. C. (2013). Semi-parametric additive constrained regression. Journal of nonparametric statistics, 25, 715-743.

Nocedal, J., and Wright, S. J. (2006). Numerical Optimization, 2nd edition. Springer, New York.

Robertson, T., Wright, F. T. and Dykstra, R. L. (1988). Order Restricted Statistical Inference. Wiley, New York.

Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002). Modern Applied Statistics with S. Springer, New York.

Wood, S.N. (2004). Stable and efficient multiple smoothing parameter estimation for generalized additive models. Journal of American Statistical Association, 99, 673-686.

See Also

plot.scar, predict.scar, scair, scam, mgcv, gam, glm


## An example in the Poission additive regression setting:
## Define the additive function f on the scale of the predictors
  return(1*abs(x[,1]) + 2*(x[,2])^2 + 3*(abs(x[,3]))^3) 

## Simulate the covariates and the responses
## covariates are drawn uniformly from [-1,1]^3
d = 3
n = 500
x = matrix(runif(n*d)*2-1,nrow=n,ncol=d) 
rpoisson <- function(m){rpois(1,exp(m))}
y = sapply(f(x),rpoisson)

## All the components are convex so one can use scar
object = scar(x,y,shape=shape, family=poisson())

## Plot each component of the estimatied additive function

## Evaluate the estimated additive function at 10^4 random points 
## drawing from the interior of the support
testx = matrix((runif(10000*d)*1.96-0.98),ncol=d)
testf = predict(object,testx)

## and calculate the (estimated) absolute prediction error

[Package scar version 0.2-2 Index]