plot.scam {scam}R Documentation

SCAM plotting


The function is a clone of the plot.gam of the mgcv package with the differences in the construction of the Bayesian confidence intervals of the shape constrained smooth terms. The function takes a fitted scam object produced by scam() and plots the component smooth functions that make it up, on the scale of the linear predictor. Optionally produces term plots for parametric model components as well.

Note: The fitted shape constrained smooth functions are centred when plotted, which is done in order to be in line with plots of unconstrained smooths (as in gam()). Although 'zeroed intercept' constraints are applied to deal with identifiability of the scop-splines.


## S3 method for class 'scam'
         shift=0,trans=I,seWithMean=FALSE,unconditional = FALSE, 
         by.resids = FALSE,scheme=0,...)


The list of the arguments is the same as in plot.gam of the mgcv package.


a fitted gam object as produced by gam().


If TRUE then partial residuals are added to plots of 1-D smooths. If FALSE then no residuals are added. If this is an array of the correct length then it is used as the array of residuals to be used for producing partial residuals. If TRUE then the residuals are the working residuals from the IRLS iteration weighted by the IRLS weights. Partial residuals for a smooth term are the residuals that would be obtained by dropping the term concerned from the model, while leaving all other estimates fixed (i.e. the estimates for the term plus the residuals).


when TRUE (default) then the covariate to which the plot applies is displayed as a rug plot at the foot of each plot of a 1-d smooth, and the locations of the covariates are plotted as points on the contour plot representing a 2-d smooth.


when TRUE (default) upper and lower lines are added to the 1-d plots at 2 standard errors above and below the estimate of the smooth being plotted while for 2-d plots, surfaces at +1 and -1 standard errors are contoured and overlayed on the contour plot for the estimate. If a positive number is supplied then this number is multiplied by the standard errors when calculating standard error curves or surfaces. See also shade, below.


(default 0) the number of pages over which to spread the output. For example, if pages=1 then all terms will be plotted on one page with the layout performed automatically. Set to 0 to have the routine leave all graphics settings as they are.


Allows the plot for a single model term to be selected for printing. e.g. if you just want the plot for the second smooth term set select=2.


set to -1 (default) to have the same y-axis scale for each plot, and to 0 for a different y axis for each plot. Ignored if ylim supplied.


number of points used for each 1-d plot - for a nice smooth plot this needs to be several times the estimated degrees of freedom for the smooth. Default value 100.


Square root of number of points used to grid estimates of 2-d functions for contouring.


Set to TRUE if you want perspective plots for 2-d terms.


One of the perspective plot angles.


The other perspective plot angle.


Set to TRUE if you want rug plots for 1-d terms to be jittered.


If supplied then this will be used as the x label for all plots.


If supplied then this will be used as the y label for all plots.


Used as title (or z axis label) for plots if supplied.


If supplied then this pair of numbers are used as the y limits for each plot.


If supplied then this pair of numbers are used as the x limits for each plot.


If greater than 0 then this is used to determine when a location is too far from data to be plotted when plotting 2-D smooths. This is useful since smooths tend to go wild away from data. The data are scaled into the unit square before deciding what to exclude, and too.far is a distance within the unit square.


if set to TRUE then the partial effects of parametric model components are also plotted, via a call to termplot. Only terms of order 1 can be plotted in this way.


Set to TRUE to produce shaded regions as confidence bands for smooths (not avaliable for parametric terms, which are plotted using termplot).


define the color used for shading confidence bands.


constant to add to each smooth (on the scale of the linear predictor) before plotting. Can be useful for some diagnostics, or with trans.


function to apply to each smooth (after any shift), before plotting. shift and trans are occasionally useful as a means for getting plots on the response scale, when the model consists only of a single smooth.


if TRUE the component smooths are shown with confidence intervals that include the uncertainty about the overall mean. If FALSE then the uncertainty relates purely to the centred smooth itself. An extension of the argument presented in Nychka (1988) suggests that TRUE results in better coverage performance, and this is also suggested by simulation.


if TRUE then the smoothing parameter uncertainty corrected covariance matrix is used to compute uncertainty bands, if available. Otherwise the bands treat the smoothing parameters as fixed.


Should partial residuals be plotted for terms with by variables? Usually the answer is no, they would be meaningless.


Integer (0,1 or 2) or integer vector selecting a plotting scheme for each plot. scheme == 0 produces a smooth curve with dashed curves indicating 2 standard error bounds. scheme == 1 illustrates the error bounds using a shaded region. For scheme==0, contour plots are produced for 2-d smooths with the x-axes labelled with the first covariate name and the y axis with the second covariate name. For 2-d smooths scheme==1 produces a perspective plot, while scheme==2 produces a heatmap, with overlaid contours.


other graphics parameters to pass on to plotting commands.


The function generates plots.


Natalya Pya <> based on the plot.gam of the mgcv by Simon Wood


Pya, N. and Wood, S.N. (2015) Shape constrained additive models. Statistics and Computing, 25(3), 543-559

Pya, N. (2010) Additive models with shape constraints. PhD thesis. University of Bath. Department of Mathematical Sciences

Wood S.N. (2006) Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

See Also



## simulating data...
n <- 200
x0 <- rep(1:4,50)
x1 <- runif(n)*6-3
f1 <- 3*exp(-x1^2) # unconstrained smooth term
x2 <- runif(n)*4-1;
f2 <- exp(4*x2)/(1+exp(4*x2)) # monotone increasing smooth
x3 <- runif(n)*5;
f3 <- -log(x3)/5  # monotone decreasing smooth
f <- f1+f2+f3
y <- 2*x0 + f + rnorm(n)*.3
x0 <- factor(x0)

## fit the model and plot ...
b <- scam(y~x0+s(x1,k=15,bs="cr")+s(x2,k=30,bs="mpi")+s(x3,k=30,bs="mpd"))

## same with EFS and BFGS methods for smoothing parameter and models coefficients estimations...
b <- scam(y~x0+s(x1,k=15,bs="cr")+s(x2,k=30,bs="mpi")+s(x3,k=30,bs="mpd"),optimizer=c("efs","bfgs"))

## Not run: 
 ## example with 2-d plots...
 ## simulating data...
   n <- 30
   x0 <- rep(1:9,100)
   x1 <- sort(runif(n)*4-1)
   x2 <- sort(runif(n))
   x3 <- runif(n*n, 0, 1)
   f <- matrix(0,n,n)
   for (i in 1:n) for (j in 1:n) 
       { f[i,j] <- -exp(4*x1[i])/(1+exp(4*x1[i]))+2*sin(pi*x2[j])}
   f1 <- as.vector(t(f))
   f2 <- x3*0
   e <- rnorm(length(f1))*.1
   y <- 2*x0 + f1 + f2 + e
   x0 <- factor(x0)
   x11 <-  matrix(0,n,n)
   x11[,1:n] <- x1
   x11 <- as.vector(t(x11))
   x22 <- rep(x2,n)
   dat <- list(x0=x0,x1=x11,x2=x22,x3=x3,y=y)
## fit model  and plot ...
   b <- scam(y~x0+s(x1,x2,k=c(10,10),bs=c("tesmd1","ps"),m=2)+s(x3),data=dat,optimizer="efs")
   op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
   plot(y,b$fitted.values,xlab="Simulated data",ylab="Fitted data",pch=19,cex=.3)
## and use of schemes...
   op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
   op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))

## End(Not run)

[Package scam version 1.2-17 Index]