updateNeuronsInteractive {scalpel}R Documentation

Update the classifications of specified neurons from SCALPEL.


This function allows the user to update the classifications of neurons, which were reviewed previously using reviewNeuronsInteractive. Typically, this function is used after running reviewNeuronsMoreFrames.


updateNeuronsInteractive(scalpelOutput, neuronSet)



An object returned by one of the SCALPEL functions: scalpel, scalpelStep2, or scalpelStep3.


The set of neurons that should be reviewed: use "A" for those resulting from scalpelStep2 and saved as scalpelOutput$A, or use "Afilter" for those resulting from scalpelStep3 and saved as scalpelOutput$Afilter. This argument is ignored if the class of scalpelOutput is scalpelStep2.



See Also

reviewNeuronsInteractive, reviewNeuronsMoreFrames, reviewOverlappingNeurons


## Not run: 
### many of the functions in this package are interconnected so the
### easiest way to learn to use the package is by working through the vignette,
### which is available at ajpete.com/software

#assumes you have run the example for the "reviewNeuronsInteractive" function

updateNeuronsInteractive(scalpelOutput = scalpelOutput, neuronSet = "A")
#you will be prompted for the changes you wish to make

## End(Not run)

[Package scalpel version 1.0.3 Index]