align {scaleAlign}R Documentation

Scale Alignment Wrapper Function for 'TAM' Objects


Apply scale alignment methods to models previously fit with tam.mml in the 'TAM' package.


align(mod, method = "best", refdim = 1)



Fitted model of class tam.mml. Importantly, mod$irtmodel must be either "1PL", "PCM", or "PCM2"


Either "DDA1", "DDA2", "LRA", or "best", see details


Which is the reference dimension (unchanged during alignment)


Scales can be said to be aligned if the item sufficient statistics imply the same item parameter estimates, regardless of dimension. Scale alignment is currently defined only for Rasch family models with between-items multidimensionality (i.e., each scored item belongs to exactly one dimension).


The partial credit model is a general Rasch family model for polytomous item responses. Within 'TAM', the partial credit model can be parameterized in two ways. If a 'TAM' model is fit with the option irtmodel = "PCM", then the following model is specified for an item with m+1m + 1 response categories:

log(P(xθd)P(x1θd))=αdθdξi(d)x\log(\frac{P(x | \theta_d)}{P(x-1 | \theta_d)}) = \alpha_d \theta_d - \xi_{i(d)x}

for response category x=1,...,mx = 1,...,m, and

P(x=0θd)=1j=0mexpk=0j(αdθdξi(d)k)P(x = 0 | \theta_d) = \frac{1}{\sum_{j=0}^{m}\exp \sum_{k=0}^j (\alpha_d \theta_d - \xi_{i(d)k})}

for response category x=0x=0. αd\alpha_d is a dimension steepness parameter, typically fixed to 1, θd\theta_d is a latent variable on dimension dd, and ξi(d)x\xi_i(d)x is a step parameter for item step xx on item ii belonging to dimension dd.

If instead a TAM model is fit with the option irtmodel = "PCM2", the model is specified as

log(P(xθd)P(x1θd))=αdθdδi(d)+τi(d)x.\log(\frac{P(x | \theta_d)}{P(x-1 | \theta_d)}) = \alpha_d \theta_d - \delta_{i(d)} + \tau_{i(d)x}.


Under Rasch family models, the latent trait metric can be linearly transformed. For each dimension dd the parameters on the transformed metric (denoted by the \sim symbol) are found through the transformation parameters rdr_d and sds_d as described by the following equations:

θ~d=rdθd+sd\tilde{\theta}_d = r_{d} \theta_{d} + s_{d}

α~d=αd/rd\tilde{\alpha}_d = \alpha_{d} / r_{d}

ξ~i(d)x=ξi(d)x+αdsd/rd\tilde{\xi}_{i(d)x} = \xi_{i(d)x} + \alpha_d s_d / r_d

δ~i(d)=δi(d)+αdsd/rd\tilde{\delta}_{i(d)} = \delta_{i(d)} + \alpha_d s_d / r_d

τ~i(d)x=τi(d)x\tilde{\tau}_{i(d)x} = \tau_{i(d)x}


Under Rasch family models, the item sufficient statistics are the number of examinees that score in response category xx or higher, x=1,...,mx = 1,...,m. For the purpose of scale alignment, we consider sufficient statistics to be the proportion of examinees that score in response category xx or higher. This definition allows for scale alignment in the presence of missing data.


Scales are aligned if the same sufficient statistics imply the same item parameters, regardless of dimension. The success of scale alignment is difficult to assess because the item sufficient statistics typically differ across items and dimensions. Under the Rasch model for binary item responses, the success of scale alignment can be assessed by looking at the rank-order correlation (e.g., Kendall's tau) between item sufficient statistics and item parameter estimates.

However, under the partial credit model, item sufficient statistics need not be monotonically related to estimated item parameters. Under this model, we can assess the quality of scale alignment by taking the rank-order correlation between item sufficient statistics and Thurstone thresholds. Thurstone thresholds are defined as the θ\theta value at which the probability of responding in category xx or higher equals .5. Thurstone thresholds, in most cases, will be monotonically related to item sufficient statistics (within dimensions). Note that the item difficulty estimates under the Rasch model for binary items are also Thurstone thresholds.


Two types of scale alignment methods have been developed.

The first class of methods, historically called delta-dimensional alignment (DDA), requires fitting both a multidimenisonal model and a model in which all items belong to a single dimension. With these two sets of parameter estimates, the transformation parameters rdr_d and sds_d are then found so that, for each dimension, the means and standard deviation of parameters from the transformed multidimensional models equal the means and standard deviations of parameters from the unidimensional model. Under the ordinary Rasch model, the estimated item difficulties can be used for transformation (which is done if either method "DDA1" or "DDA2" is selected). Under the partial credit model, either the δ\delta parameters or the Thurstone thresholds from the two models may be used within the DDA (note that DDA using item ξ\xi parameters tends to be unsuccessful). Method "DDA1" uses the item δ\delta parameters, and method "DDA2" uses the Thurstone thresholds. If all items are binary, "DDA1" and "DDA2" are identical.

The second class of methods, called logistic regression alignment (LRA), requires fitting a logistic regression between item sufficient statistics and Thurstone thresholds for each dimension. The fitted logistic regression coefficients can then be used to estimate rdr_d and sds_d so that the same logistic regression curve expresses the relationship between sufficient statistics and Thurstone thresholds for all dimensions.

For either the DDA or LRA method, a reference dimension (by default, the first dimension) is specified such that rd=1r_d = 1 and sd=0s_d = 0 for the reference dimension.


Aligned tam.mml object with the following added list items:


Alignment method: "DDA1", "DDA2", or "LRA"


Vector of estimated scaling parameters r, see details


Vector of estimated shift parameters s, see details


Kendall's rank-order correlation between sufficient statistics and Thurstone thresholds before alignment


Kendall's rank-order correlation between sufficient statistics and Thurstone thresholds after alignment


Feuerstahler, L. M., & Wilson, M. (2019). Scale alignment in between-item multidimensional Rasch models. Journal of Educational Measurement, 56(2), 280–301. <doi: 10.1111/jedm.12209>

Feuerstahler, L. M., & Wilson, M. (under review). Scale alignment in the between-items multidimensional partial credit model.


## Example 1: binary item response data

## generate data for a 2-dimensional model with 10 items on each dimension



diff_1 <- rnorm(10)
diff_2 <- rnorm(10)

N <- 500

th <- MASS::mvrnorm(N, mu = c(0, -1),
                    Sigma = matrix(c(1, .5 * 2, .5 * 2, 4), nrow = 2))

probs_1 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-outer(th[, 1], diff_1, "-")))
probs_2 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-outer(th[, 2], diff_2, "-")))

probs <- cbind(probs_1, probs_2)

dat <- apply(probs, 2, function(p) as.numeric(p > runif(N)))

Q <- cbind(c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 10)),
            c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 10)))

# fit the model

mod <- TAM::tam.mml(resp = dat, irtmodel = "1PL", Q = Q)

# align the model

mod_aligned <- align(mod)

## check alignment success


## view "best" alignment method

## view alignment parameters



## Example 2: Partial Credit Model

# generate 3-category data for a 2-dimensional model with 5 items on each dimension


N <- 500

th <- MASS::mvrnorm(N, mu = c(0, 0),
                    Sigma = matrix(c(1, .5 * 2, .5 * 2, 4), nrow = 2))

xi_1 <- rnorm(5)
xi_1 <- cbind(xi_1, xi_1 + rnorm(5, mean = 1, sd = .5))

xi_2 <- rnorm(5)
xi_2 <- cbind(xi_2, xi_2 + rnorm(5, mean = 1, sd = .5))

dat1 <- catR::genPattern(th[, 1], it = xi_1, model = "PCM")
dat2 <- catR::genPattern(th[, 2], it = xi_2, model = "PCM")

dat <- cbind(dat1, dat2)

Q <- cbind(c(rep(1, 5), rep(0, 5)),
           c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 5)))

## fit the model using both parameterizations

mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp = dat, irtmodel = "PCM", Q = Q)
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml(resp = dat, irtmodel = "PCM2", Q = Q)

## align the models
mod1_aligned <- align(mod1)
mod2_aligned <- align(mod2)

## check alignment success



## view "best" alignment method

## view alignment parameters


[Package scaleAlign version Index]