scTenifoldNet {scTenifoldNet}R Documentation



Construct and compare single-cell gene regulatory networks (scGRNs) using single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data sets collected from different conditions based on principal component regression, tensor decomposition, and manifold alignment.


  qc = TRUE,
  qc_minLibSize = 1000,
  qc_removeOutlierCells = TRUE,
  qc_minPCT = 0.05,
  qc_maxMTratio = 0.1,
  nc_nNet = 10,
  nc_nCells = 500,
  nc_nComp = 3,
  nc_symmetric = FALSE,
  nc_scaleScores = TRUE,
  nc_q = 0.05,
  td_K = 3,
  td_nDecimal = 1,
  td_maxIter = 1000,
  td_maxError = 1e-05,
  ma_nDim = 30,
  nCores = parallel::detectCores()



Raw counts matrix with cells as columns and genes (symbols) as rows.


Raw counts matrix with cells as columns and genes (symbols) as rows.


A boolean value (TRUE/FALSE), if TRUE, a quality control is applied over the data.


An integer value. Defines the minimum library size required for a cell to be included in the analysis.


A boolean value (TRUE/FALSE), if TRUE, the identified cells with library size greater than 1.58 IQR/sqrt(n) computed from the sample, are removed. For further details see: ?boxplot.stats


A decimal value between 0 and 1. Defines the minimum fraction of cells where the gene needs to be expressed to be included in the analysis.


A decimal value between 0 and 1. Defines the maximum ratio of mitochondrial reads (mithocondrial reads / library size) present in a cell to be included in the analysis. It's computed using the symbol genes starting with 'MT-' non-case sensitive.


An integer value. The number of networks based on principal components regression to generate.


An integer value. The number of cells to subsample each time to generate a network.


An integer value. The number of principal components in PCA to generate the networks. Should be greater than 2 and lower than the total number of genes.


A boolean value (TRUE/FALSE), if TRUE, the weights matrix returned will be symmetric.


A boolean value (TRUE/FALSE), if TRUE, the weights will be normalized such that the maximum absolute value is 1.


A decimal value between 0 and 1. Defines the cut-off threshold of top q% relationships to be returned.


An integer value. Defines the number of rank-one tensors used to approximate the data using CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) Tensor Decomposition.


An integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used.


An integer value. Defines the maximum number of iterations if error stay above td_maxError.


A decimal value between 0 and 1. Defines the relative Frobenius norm error tolerance.


An integer value. Defines the number of dimensions of the low-dimensional feature space to be returned from the non-linear manifold alignment.


An integer value. Defines the number of cores to be used.


A list with 3 slots as follows:



# Simulating of a dataset following a negative binomial distribution with high sparcity (~67%)
nCells = 2000
nGenes = 100
X <- rnbinom(n = nGenes * nCells, size = 20, prob = 0.98)
X <- round(X)
X <- matrix(X, ncol = nCells)
rownames(X) <- c(paste0('ng', 1:90), paste0('mt-', 1:10))

# Generating a perturbed network modifying the expression of genes 10, 2 and 3
Y <- X
Y[10,] <- Y[50,]
Y[2,] <- Y[11,]
Y[3,] <- Y[5,]

## Not run: 
# scTenifoldNet
Output <- scTenifoldNet(X = X, Y = Y,
                       nc_nNet = 10, nc_nCells = 500,
                       td_K = 3, qc_minLibSize = 30)

# Structure of the output

# Accessing the computed weight-averaged denoised gene regulatory networks

# Network for sample X
igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = Output$tensorNetworks$X, weighted = TRUE)
# IGRAPH 15cbeea DNW- 100 2836 -- 
# + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
# + edges from 15cbeea (vertex names):
#   [1] ng6 ->ng1 ng12->ng1 ng14->ng1 ng24->ng1 ng28->ng1
# [6] ng31->ng1 ng42->ng1 ng44->ng1 ng49->ng1 ng55->ng1
# [11] ng56->ng1 ng59->ng1 ng62->ng1 ng63->ng1 ng72->ng1
# [16] ng73->ng1 ng74->ng1 ng77->ng1 ng80->ng1 ng82->ng1
# [21] ng83->ng1 ng87->ng1 ng89->ng1 mt-1->ng1 mt-5->ng1
# [26] mt-7->ng1 ng27->ng3 ng28->ng3 ng31->ng3 ng32->ng3
# [31] ng44->ng3 ng59->ng3 ng62->ng3 ng72->ng3 ng73->ng3
# [36] ng74->ng3 ng77->ng3 ng82->ng3 ng87->ng3 ng89->ng3
# + ... omitted several edges

# Network for sample Y
igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = Output$tensorNetworks$Y, weighted = TRUE)
#IGRAPH 3ad1533 DNW- 100 725 -- 
# + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
# + edges from 3ad1533 (vertex names):
#   [1] ng2 ->ng2 ng3 ->ng2 ng5 ->ng2 ng6 ->ng2
# [5] ng7 ->ng2 ng8 ->ng2 ng9 ->ng2 ng10->ng2
# [9] ng11->ng2 ng12->ng2 ng13->ng2 ng15->ng2
# [13] ng16->ng2 ng17->ng2 ng18->ng2 ng20->ng2
# [17] ng21->ng2 ng22->ng2 ng23->ng2 ng24->ng2
# [21] ng25->ng2 ng26->ng2 ng28->ng2 ng29->ng2
# [25] ng30->ng2 ng31->ng2 ng33->ng2 ng34->ng2
# [29] ng35->ng2 ng36->ng2 ng38->ng2 ng39->ng2
# + ... omitted several edges

# Accessing the manifold alignment result

#            NLMA 1      NLMA 2      NLMA 3       NLMA 4        NLMA 5
# X_ng1  0.0068499391  0.01096706  0.03077900  0.002655469 -0.0136455614
# X_ng2  0.3356288575 -0.03551752 -0.18463680 -0.193353751  0.3398606363
# X_ng3 -0.1285177133 -0.20064344  0.20926567  0.059542294 -0.0099528441
# X_ng4  0.0029881645 -0.01267593  0.01195683  0.007331123  0.0003031888
# X_ng5 -0.1192632208 -0.18475439  0.27616148  0.112944009 -0.0281827702
# X_ng6  0.0005911568  0.02557475  0.07527792 -0.191180647 -0.1165095115
#            NLMA 6      NLMA 7       NLMA 8       NLMA 9     NLMA 10
# X_ng1 -0.029852128 0.007539925  0.009299591 -0.009813157 -0.01360414
# X_ng2 -0.313361443 0.146429589  0.006286777  0.162023788 -0.04307899
# X_ng3 -0.008733285 0.172084611  0.508056218  0.199322512 -0.07935797
# X_ng4 -0.004680652 0.005344541  0.002634755 -0.003376544 -0.01100757
# X_ng5 -0.126328797 0.190769152 -0.468107666  0.170278281 -0.06744795
# X_ng6 -0.051266264 0.063822269  0.011060924 -0.134880459 -0.02579998
#           NLMA 11      NLMA 12      NLMA 13      NLMA 14      NLMA 15
# X_ng1 -0.0199528840  0.008035130  0.004631187  0.000807797  0.011960838
# X_ng2 -0.0138200390 -0.002847701 -0.004404942  0.008024704  0.006040799
# X_ng3  0.0232384468 -0.031398116 -0.007026934  0.028956700 -0.002112626
# X_ng4  0.0012864539 -0.018915289  0.003835404  0.004054159 -0.002546324
# X_ng5  0.0232899093 -0.040974531 -0.006759459  0.025415953 -0.007518957
# X_ng6 -0.0001650355  0.023277338  0.006646904 -0.002683418 -0.112688129
#          NLMA 16      NLMA 17     NLMA 18      NLMA 19       NLMA 20
# X_ng1 -0.016962988 -0.016649748  0.01140020 -0.006632691 -0.0005015655
# X_ng2  0.007543775 -0.016188689  0.02517684  0.014814415  0.0162617154
# X_ng3 -0.005598267 -0.006975026  0.05218029  0.006731063  0.0183436415
# X_ng4  0.003207934 -0.001784120  0.01093237 -0.001192860  0.0028746990
# X_ng5 -0.009555879 -0.007429166  0.05206441  0.006534604  0.0170071357
# X_ng6 -0.065437425  0.110728870 -0.12746932  0.335610531  0.1341842827
#          NLMA 21      NLMA 22      NLMA 23      NLMA 24      NLMA 25
# X_ng1  0.003113385 -0.023311350 -0.026415944 7.085995e-04  0.053898102
# X_ng2  0.001390569  0.001191301 -0.015621435 2.359703e-03 -0.013418093
# X_ng3 -0.007483171  0.011496519  0.004164546 2.764407e-02 -0.004527981
# X_ng4  0.020316634 -0.002796092  0.032119363 4.203867e-05 -0.002251366
# X_ng5 -0.004963436  0.016525449  0.009683698 2.564700e-02  0.002286340
# X_ng6  0.229199525  0.340639745 -0.041216345 3.599596e-03  0.008572652
#          NLMA 26       NLMA 27      NLMA 28     NLMA 29      NLMA 30
# X_ng1  0.065832029 -0.0080248854  0.107300843 -0.02902323 -0.005337500
# X_ng2 -0.007982259 -0.0026295392 -0.001765851  0.01491257 -0.003546343
# X_ng3  0.009770602  0.0008819272  0.014564070 -0.01568192 -0.017450667
# X_ng4  0.015802609  0.0012975576 -0.003406675 -0.01774975 -0.003300053
# X_ng5  0.003401007  0.0001761177  0.013622016 -0.01224127 -0.013909178
# X_ng6 -0.089450710 -0.0763838722 -0.107751916 -0.05841353 -0.059217012

# Differential Regulation
head(Output$diffRegulation,n = 10)
# gene    distance        Z        FC      p.value      p.adj
# 2   ng2 0.023526702 2.762449 12.193413 0.0004795855 0.02414332
# 50 ng50 0.023514429 2.761550 12.180695 0.0004828665 0.02414332
# 11 ng11 0.022443941 2.681598 11.096894 0.0008647241 0.02882414
# 3   ng3 0.020263415 2.508478  9.045415 0.0026335445 0.06583861
# 10 ng10 0.019194561 2.417929  8.116328 0.0043868326 0.07711821
# 5   ng5 0.019079975 2.407977  8.019712 0.0046270923 0.07711821
# 31 ng31 0.013632541 1.865506  4.094085 0.0430335257 0.61476465
# 96 mt-6 0.011401177 1.589757  2.863536 0.0906081350 0.90977795
# 59 ng59 0.009835354 1.368238  2.130999 0.1443466682 0.90977795
# 62 ng62 0.007995812 1.067193  1.408408 0.2353209153 0.90977795

# Plotting
# Genes with FDR < 0.1 are labeled as red
qChisq <- rchisq(100,1)
geneColor <- rev(ifelse(Output$diffRegulation$p.adj < 0.1, 10,1))
qqplot(qChisq, Output$diffRegulation$FC, pch = 16, main = 'H0', col = geneColor, 
       xlab = expression(X^2~Quantiles), ylab = 'FC', xlim=c(0,8), ylim=c(0,13))
legend('bottomright', legend = c('FDR < 0.1'), pch = 16, col = 'red', bty='n', cex = 0.7)

## End(Not run)

[Package scTenifoldNet version 1.3 Index]