manifoldAlignment {scTenifoldNet} | R Documentation |
Performs non-linear manifold alignment of two gene regulatory networks.
Build comparable low-dimensional features for two weight-averaged denoised single-cell gene regulatory networks. Using a non-linear network embedding method manifoldAlignment
aligns two gene regulatory networks and finds the structural similarities between them. This function is a wrapper of the Python
code provided by Vu et al., (2012) at
manifoldAlignment(X, Y, d = 30, nCores = parallel::detectCores())
X |
A gene regulatory network. |
Y |
A gene regulatory network. |
d |
The dimension of the low-dimensional feature space. |
nCores |
An integer value. Defines the number of cores to be used. |
Manifold alignment builds connections between two or more disparate data sets by aligning their underlying manifolds and provides knowledge transfer across the data sets. For further information please see: Wang et al., (2009)
A low-dimensional projection for two the two gene regulatory networks used as input. The output is a labeled matrix with two times the number of shared genes as rows ( X_ genes followed by Y_ genes in the same order) and d
number of columns.
Vu, Hoa Trong, Clifton Carey, and Sridhar Mahadevan. "Manifold warping: Manifold alignment over time." Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2012.
Wang, Chang, and Sridhar Mahadevan. "A general framework for manifold alignment." 2009 AAAI Fall Symposium Series. 2009.
# Simulating of a dataset following a negative binomial distribution with high sparcity (~67%)
nCells = 2000
nGenes = 100
X <- rnbinom(n = nGenes * nCells, size = 20, prob = 0.98)
X <- round(X)
X <- matrix(X, ncol = nCells)
rownames(X) <- c(paste0('ng', 1:90), paste0('mt-', 1:10))
# Performing Single cell quality control
qcOutput <- scQC(
X = X,
minLibSize = 30,
removeOutlierCells = TRUE,
minPCT = 0.05,
maxMTratio = 0.1
# Computing 3 single-cell gene regulatory networks each one from a subsample of 500 cells
xNetworks <- makeNetworks(X = X,
nNet = 3,
nCells = 500,
nComp = 3,
scaleScores = TRUE,
symmetric = FALSE,
q = 0.95
# Computing a K = 3 CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) Tensor Decomposition
tdOutput <- tensorDecomposition(xNetworks, K = 3, maxError = 1e5, maxIter = 1e3)
## Not run:
# Computing the alignment
# For this example, we are using the same input, the match should be perfect.
maOutput <- manifoldAlignment(tdOutput$X, tdOutput$X)
# Separating the coordinates for each gene
X <- maOutput[grepl('X_', rownames(maOutput)),]
Y <- maOutput[grepl('Y_', rownames(maOutput)),]
# Plotting
# X Points
plot(X, pch = 16)
# Y Points
points(Y, col = 'red')
# Legend
legend('topright', legend = c('X', 'Y'),
col = c('black', 'red'), bty = 'n',
pch = c(16,1), cex = 0.7)
## End(Not run)