heatmap_generation {scMappR} | R Documentation |
Generate Heatmap
This function takes an inputted signature matrix as well as a list of genes and overlaps them. Then, if there is overlap, it prints a heatmap or barplot (depending on the number of overlapping genes). Then, for every cell-type, genes considered over-represented are saved in a list.
cex = 0.8,
rd_path = "",
cellTypes = "ALL",
pVal = 0.01,
isPval = TRUE,
isMax = FALSE,
isBackground = FALSE,
which_species = "human",
toSave = FALSE,
path = NULL
genesIn |
A list of gene symbols (all caps) to have their cell type enrichment. |
comp |
The name of the comparison. |
reference |
Path to signature matrix or the signature matrix itself. |
cex |
The size of the genes in the column label for the heatmap. |
rd_path |
The directory to RData files – if they are not in this directory, then the files will be downloaded. |
cellTypes |
Colnames of the cell-types you will extract (passed to extract_genes_cell). |
pVal |
The level of association a gene has within a cell type (passed to extract_genes_cell). |
isPval |
If the signature matrix is raw p-value (T/F) – TRUE not recommended |
isMax |
If you are taking the single best CT marker (T/F) – TRUE not recommended |
isBackground |
If the heatmap is from the entire signature matrix or just the inputted gene list (T/F). isBackground == TRUE is used for internal. |
which_species |
Species of gene symbols – "human" or "mouse" . |
toSave |
Allow scMappR to write files in the path directory (T/F). |
path |
If toSave == TRUE, path to the directory where files will be saved. |
List with the following elements:
genesIn |
Vector of genes intersecting gene list and signature matrix. |
genesNoIn |
Vector of inputted genes not in signature matrix. |
geneHeat |
Signature matrix subsetted by inputted gene list |
preferences |
Cell-markers mapping to cell-types. |
# load in signature matrices
POA_generes <- POA_example$POA_generes
POA_OR_signature <- POA_example$POA_OR_signature
POA_Rank_signature <- POA_example$POA_Rank_signature
Signature <- POA_Rank_signature
rowname <- get_gene_symbol(Signature)
rownames(Signature) <- rowname$rowname
genes <- rownames(Signature)[1:100]
heatmap_test <- heatmap_generation(genesIn = genes, "scMappR_test",
reference = Signature, which_species = "mouse")