cwFoldChange_evaluate {scMappR}R Documentation

Measure cell-type specificity of cell-weighted Fold-changes


This function normalizes cwFold-changes by each gene to help visualize the cell-type specificity of DEGs. It then tests if a cell-type has a large change in correlation from bulk DEGs. Finally, it identifies genes that may be specific to each cell-type.


  gene_cutoff = NULL,
  sd_cutoff = 3



A matrix or data frame of cell-weighted fold-changes of DEGs. Rows are DEGs and columns are cell-types.


A matrix or data frame of cell-type proportions. Rows are different cell-types and columns are different samples. These cell-type proportions can come from any source (not just scMappR).


An object with the first column as gene symbols within the bulk dataset (doesn't have to be in signature matrix), second column is the adjusted p-value, and the third the log2FC path to a .tsv file containing this info is also acceptable.


Additional cut-off of normalized cwFold-change to see if a gene is cut-off.


Number of standard deviations or median absolute deviations to calculate outliers.


cwFold-changes and re-normalized and re-processed to interrogate cell-type specificity at the level of the cell-type and at the level of the gene. At the level of the cell-type, cwFold-changes are correlated to bulk DEGs. The difference in rank between bulk DEGs and cwFold-changes are also compared. At the level of the gene, cwFold-changes are re-normalized so that each gene sums to 1. Normalization of their distributions are tested with a Shapiro test. Then, outlier cell-types for each gene are measured by testing for ‘sd_cutoff'’s mad or sd's greater than the median or mean depending on if the cwFold-change is non-normally or normally distributed respectively. Cell-types considered outliers are then further filtered so their normalized cwFold-changes are greater than the cell-type proportions of that gene and 'gene_cutoff' if the user sets it.


List with the following elements:


data frame of genes showing the Euclidian distances between cwFold-change and null vector as well as if cwFold-changes are distributed.


data frame of Spearman's and Pearson's correlation between bulk DEGs and cwFold-changes.


data frame of the change in rank of DEG between the bulk fold-change and cwFold-change.


cwFold-change normalized such that each gene sums to 1.


List of cell-types where genes are designated to cell-type specific differential expression.


Mapped cwFoldchanges that are flagged as false-positives. These are genes that are driven by the reciprical ratio of cell-type proportions between case and control. These genes may be DE in a non-cell-type specific manner but are falsely assigned to cell-types with very large differences in proportion between condition.


bulk_DE_cors <- PBMC_example$bulk_DE_cors
bulk_normalized <- PBMC_example$bulk_normalized
odds_ratio_in <- PBMC_example$odds_ratio_in
case_grep <- "_female"
control_grep <- "_male"
max_proportion_change <- 10
print_plots <- FALSE
theSpecies <- "human"
toOut <- scMappR_and_pathway_analysis(count_file = bulk_normalized, 
                                      signature_matrix = odds_ratio_in, 
                                      DEG_list = bulk_DE_cors, case_grep = case_grep,
                                      control_grep = control_grep, rda_path = "", 
                                      max_proportion_change = 10, print_plots = TRUE, 
                                       plot_names = "tst1", theSpecies = "human", 
                                       output_directory = "tester",
                                       sig_matrix_size = 3000, up_and_downregulated = FALSE, 
                                       internet = FALSE)
cwFC1 <- toOut$cellWeighted_Foldchange
prop1 <- toOut$cellType_Proportions
DE <- bulk_DE_cors
eval_test <- cwFoldChange_evaluate(cwFC = cwFC1, celltype_prop = prop1,
                                    DEG_list = DE)

[Package scMappR version 1.0.11 Index]