pbmc2 {scAnnotate}R Documentation



A subset of human PBMC scRNA-seq data that was sequenced using inDrops platform. The Seurat(version 4.0.5) package was used for normalized using the NormalizeData function with the "LogNormalize" method and a scale factor of 10,000. After modeling the mean-variance relationship with the FindVariableFeautre function within "vst" methods, we selected the top 2,000 highly variable genes and only used this selection going forward. The dataframe of the cell type label and a gene expression matrix of 644 cells in the row and 2,000 genes in the column.


data(pbmc2, package="scAnnotate")


a data frame


Ding, J.et al.(2019). Systematic comparative analysis of single cellrna-sequencing methods.bioRxiv

[Package scAnnotate version 0.3 Index]