sbtools-package {sbtools}R Documentation

R interface to ScienceBase


This package provides a rich interface to USGS's ScienceBase - a data cataloging and collaborative data management platform. For further information, see the sbtools manuscript here.

Functions are inluded for searching for data, retrieving, creating, and updating datasets.


Functionality in this package allows all users to query ScienceBase for data using a variety of metadata types (query_sb_text, query_sb_doi, query_sb_spatial). Items and associated information can be requested by item_get including item parents item_get_parent and children item_list_children. Data and attached files can be accessed for all available items through provided functionality (e.g., item_file_download).


See the function authenticate_sb to authenticate. You'll be required to pass in your ScienceBase username and password.

Authenticated users can create, update, and remove items (item_list_children, item_list_children, item_create, item_update, item_rm).


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[Package sbtools version 1.3.2 Index]