Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models

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Documentation for package ‘sbo’ version 0.5.0

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as_sbo_dictionary Coerce to dictionary
as_sbo_dictionary.character Coerce to dictionary
babble Babble!
dictionary Dictionaries
eval_sbo_predictor Evaluate Stupid Back-off next-word predictions
kgram_freqs k-gram frequency tables
kgram_freqs_fast k-gram frequency tables
plot.word_coverage Plot method for word_coverage objects
predict.sbo_kgram_freqs Predict method for k-gram frequency tables
predict.sbo_predictor Predict method for Stupid Back-off text predictor
predictor Stupid Back-off text predictions
predtable Stupid Back-off text predictions
preprocess Preprocess text corpus
prune Prune k-gram objects
prune.sbo_kgram_freqs Prune k-gram objects
prune.sbo_predtable Prune k-gram objects
sbo_dictionary Dictionaries
sbo_kgram_freqs k-gram frequency tables
sbo_kgram_freqs_fast k-gram frequency tables
sbo_predictions Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predictor Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predictor.character Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predictor.sbo_kgram_freqs Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predictor.sbo_predtable Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predtable Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predtable.character Stupid Back-off text predictions
sbo_predtable.sbo_kgram_freqs Stupid Back-off text predictions
tokenize_sentences Sentence tokenizer
twitter_dict Top 1000 dictionary from Twitter training set
twitter_freqs k-gram frequencies from Twitter training set
twitter_predtable Next-word prediction tables from 3-gram model trained on Twitter training set
twitter_test Twitter test set
twitter_train Twitter training set
word_coverage Word coverage fraction
word_coverage.character Word coverage fraction
word_coverage.sbo_dictionary Word coverage fraction
word_coverage.sbo_kgram_freqs Word coverage fraction
word_coverage.sbo_predictions Word coverage fraction