Parameter-Free Domain-Agnostic Season Length Detection in Time Series

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Documentation for package ‘sazedR’ version 2.0.2

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sazedR-package sazedR: A package for for estimating the season length of a seasonal time series.
aze Compute the AZE component of the SAZED ensemble
azed Compute the AZED component of the SAZED ensemble
computeAcf Compute and shorten autocorrelation
downsample Downsample Time Series
preprocessTs Preprocess Time Series for SAZED ensemble
S Compute the S component of the SAZED ensemble
Sa Compute the SA component of the SAZED ensemble
sazed SAZED Ensemble (Optimum)
sazed.maj SAZED Ensemble (Majority)
sazedR sazedR: A package for for estimating the season length of a seasonal time series.
ze Compute the ZE component of the SAZED ensemble
zed Compute the ZED component of the SAZED ensemble