Sensitivity Analysis Tools for Dependence and Asymptotic Dependence

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Documentation for package ‘satdad’ version 1.1

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copArchimaxMevlog cop-ell-psi-psiinv- functions for Archimax Mevlog models.
dMevlog r-p-d-ell- functions for Mevlog models.
ec Extremal coefficients for Mevlog models.
ecEmp Empirical Extremal coefficients.
ellArchimaxMevlog cop-ell-psi-psiinv- functions for Archimax Mevlog models.
ellEmp Empirical stable tail dependence function.
ellMevlog r-p-d-ell- functions for Mevlog models.
France Dataset. Yearly Maxima of Temperature and coordinates of 21 French cities 1946-2000.
gen.ds Generate a Mevlog tail dependence structure.
graphs Graphs of the tail dependence structure for Mevlog models.
graphsEmp Empirical graphs of the tail dependence structure.
graphsMapEmp Empirical graphs drawn on geographical maps of the tail dependence structure.
plotClev Cleveland's Dot Plots of the tail dependence structure.
plotClevEmp Empirical Cleveland's Dot Plots of the tail dependence structure.
pMevlog r-p-d-ell- functions for Mevlog models.
psiArchimaxMevlog cop-ell-psi-psiinv- functions for Archimax Mevlog models.
psiinvArchimaxMevlog cop-ell-psi-psiinv- functions for Archimax Mevlog models.
rArchimaxMevlog r function for Archimax Mevlog models.
rMevlog r-p-d-ell- functions for Mevlog models.
Stock Dataset. Yearly maxima of Log Returns of ten stock indices 1990-2015.
tic Tail importance coefficients for Mevlog models.
ticEmp Empirical tail importance coefficients.
tsic Tail superset importance coefficients for Mevlog models.
tsicEmp Empirical tail superset importance coefficients.