Snow Profile Analysis for Snowpack and Avalanche Research

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Documentation for package ‘sarp.snowprofile’ version 1.3.2

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char2numAspect Conversion of character Aspects to numeric Aspects
char2numHHI Conversion of Hand Hardness Index (HHI)
computeRTA Compute Relative Threshold Sum approach (RTA)
computeRTA.snowprofile Compute Relative Threshold Sum approach (RTA)
computeRTA.snowprofileSet Compute Relative Threshold Sum approach (RTA)
computeSLABrho Compute mean density of slab
computeSLABrhogs Compute 'density over grain size' averaged over slab
computeTSA Compute Threshold Sum Approach (TSA, lemons, yellow flags, 'Nieten')
computeTSA.snowprofile Compute Threshold Sum Approach (TSA, lemons, yellow flags, 'Nieten')
computeTSA.snowprofileSet Compute Threshold Sum Approach (TSA, lemons, yellow flags, 'Nieten')
deriveDatetag Derive datetag from deposition dates in simulated profiles
deriveDatetag.snowprofile Derive datetag from deposition dates in simulated profiles
deriveDatetag.snowprofileLayers Derive datetag from deposition dates in simulated profiles
deriveDatetag.snowprofileSet Derive datetag from deposition dates in simulated profiles
export.snowprofileCsv Export or write a snowprofile object to a CSV table
findPWL Find layers of interest (e.g. PWLs) in snowprofile(Layers)
format_snowprofileLayers Format snowprofileLayers
getColoursDensity Gets colours for plotting snow density values
getColoursGrainSize Gets colours for plotting grain size values
getColoursGrainType Gets colours for plotting snow grain types
getColoursHardness Gets colours for plotting snow hardness values
getColoursLWC Gets colours for plotting LWC values
getColoursPercentage Gets colours for plotting the snow layer property 'percentage'
getColoursSnowTemp Gets colours for plotting snow temperature values
getColoursStability Gets colours for plotting snow stability indices
grainDict A data.frame storing the grain type colours
hasUnobservedBasalLayer Check whether a profile is observed down to ground or not
importRDefaultPackages Import R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES
insertUnobservedBasalLayer Insert a special layer at the bottom to indicate a snow profile that's unobserved from a specific point down to the ground internal function, not exported. used in snowprofileLayers
is.snowprofile Check class snowprofile
is.snowprofileInstabilitySigns Check class snowprofileInstabilitySigns
is.snowprofileLayers Check class snowprofileLayers
is.snowprofileSet Check class snowprofileSet
is.snowprofileTests Check class snowprofileTests
labelPWL Find layers of interest (e.g. PWLs) in snowprofile(Layers)
new_snowprofile Low-level constructor function for a snowprofile object
numberOfPWLsPerVerticalLevel Count number of PWLs per vertical level
plot.snowprofile Plot hardness profile
plot.snowprofileSet Plot a single layer property in multiple profiles side-by-side
print.snowprofile Print snowprofile object
rbind.snowprofile Convert snowprofile into data.frame with columns for metadata
rbind.snowprofileSet Concatenate snowprofileSet into a large data.frame with a row for each layer
readSmet Parse a SMET file
reformat_snowprofile Reformat a malformatted snowprofile object
scanProfileDates Read profile dates from prf/pro file
sd_sample_uncorrected fast uncorrected sample standard deviation
setColoursGrainType Set colour scale for grain types
simplifyGtypes Simplify detailed grain types to parent classes
snowprofile High-level constructor for a snowprofile object
snowprofileCaaml Read a Caaml file into a snowprofile object
snowprofileCsv Read csv file into a snowprofile object
snowprofileCsv_advanced Read routine for advanced csv tables containing various snowprofile information
snowprofileInstabilitySigns Constructor for a snowprofileInstabilitySigns object
snowprofileLayers Constructor for a snowprofileLayers object
snowprofilePrf Construct snowprofile object from PRF file
snowprofilePro Construct snowprofile object from PRO file
snowprofileSet Constructor for class snowprofileSet
snowprofileSno Construct snowprofile object from SNO file
snowprofileTests Constructor for a snowprofileTests object
SPgroup Example group of snowprofiles from a mountain drainage
SPmalformatted Malformatted example profiles
SPpairs Pairs of example snowprofiles
SPtimeline Timeseries of snowprofiles #'
summary.snowprofile Summary of a single snowprofile
summary.snowprofileSet Summarize multiple snowprofiles
swisscode Numerical, Swiss Grain Type Code
validate_snowprofile Validate correctness of snowprofile object
validate_snowprofileLayers Validate correctness of snowprofileLayers object
writeSmet Write a SMET file
[.snowprofileSet Extract method