simSP {sarp.snowprofile.alignment} | R Documentation |
Similarity measure between snow profile pairs
This function calculates a similarity measure for two snow profiles
that have been aligned onto the same height grid (either through DTW or resampling).
If one profile contains more layers than the other one, the layers with a non-matched height
represent missing layers and will be treated accordingly.
The similarity measure is compatible with top-down alignments and is symmetric with respect to its inputs, i.e.
simSP(P1, P2) == simSP(P2, P1)
. Several different approaches of computing the measure have been implemented by now,
see Details below.
gtype_distMat = sim2dist(grainSimilarity_evaluate(triag = FALSE)),
type = "HerlaEtAl2021",
nonMatchedSim = 0,
nonMatchedThickness = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
returnDF = FALSE,
apply_scalingFactor = FALSE
ref |
snowprofile object 1 |
qw |
snowprofile object 2 (matched layers need to be on the same height grid of ref) |
gtype_distMat |
a distance matrix that stores distance information of grain types (Be careful to convert similarities, as in grainSimilarity_evaluate, into dissimilarities with sim2dist.) |
type |
the similarity measure can be computed in several different ways (of sophistication). See Details section. Possible choices
nonMatchedSim |
sets the similarity value of non-matched layers |
nonMatchedThickness |
If |
verbose |
print similarities of different grain classes to console? default FALSE |
returnDF |
additionally return the similarities of the grain classes as data.frame (analogously to verbose);
the return object then has the fields |
apply_scalingFactor |
Only applicable to |
The first several implementation types (simple, HerlaEtAl2021, tsa_WLdetection, rta_WLdetection) represent different flavors of the approach detailed in Herla et al (2021). In essence, they are a simple approach to incorporate avalanche hazard relevant characteristics into the score by computing the score as arithmetic mean of 4 different grain type classes:
weak layers (wl): SH and DH
new snow (pp): PP and DF
crusts (cr): MFcr and IF
bulk: the rest (i.e., predominantly RG, FC, FCxr — MF falls also in here, will maybe be adjusted in future.)
Additionally, for classes wl and cr, vertical windows are computed to weigh layers more heavily that have no other wl or cr grain types in their neighborhood.
Type simple deviates from simple2 (= HerlaEtAl2021) by computing the aforementioned vertical windows based on heuristic depth ranges (i.e., Surface–30cm depth–80cm depth–150cm depth–Ground). It is otherwise identical to the simple2 type, which computes as many numbers of equidistant vertical windows as number of wl or cr are present in the profile.
Type tsa_WLdetection employs a similar approach as simple, but it identifies weak layers (wl) based on the Threshold Sum Approach (>= 5 TSA, lemons, German 'Nieten'). Therefore, the original profiles need to contain grain size information, which allows you to pre-compute the lemons for all layers (additionally to the otherwise necessary gain type and hardness information). It is thus more targeted to simulated profiles or detailed manual profiles of very high quality. While the former two types neglect hardness information of wl and cr classes, this type does not. Type rta_WLdetection works analogous, but uses RTA instead of TSA and a threshold of >= 0.8.
Unlike the former types, layerwise applies no weighting at all if used as per default. That means that the similarity of each individual layer contributes equally to the overall similarity measure. It is, however, very flexible in that any custom scaling factor can be applied to each layer. The resulting similarity score is then computed by
simSP = sum(sim * scalingFactor) / sum(scalingFactor),
where the denominator ensures that the resulting score will be within [0, 1]
. If you want to explore your own scaling approach,
both input snow profiles need to contain a column called $layers$scalingFactor
that store the desired factor.
Type rta_scaling is a special case of layerwise
, where the scaling is determined by the relative lemons of each layer (RTA, see Monti et al 2013).
Type remotesensing makes use of the layerwise algorithm, but triggers an alternative similarity computation beforehand. Similarity is first computed from density and Optical Grain Size (ogs),
and then the layerwise similarity is called upon to compute the global sim score.
NOTE that for all types that include TSA/RTA values, these values need to be computed prior to aligning the profiles (and therefore need to be present in the profiles provided to this function!)
Either a scalar similarity between [0, 1]
with 1 referring to the two profiles being identical, or
(if returnDF
is TRUE) a list with the elements $sim
and $simDF
Herla, F., Horton, S., Mair, P., & Haegeli, P. (2021). Snow profile alignment and similarity assessment for aggregating, clustering, and evaluating of snowpack model output for avalanche forecasting. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(1), 239–258.
Monti, F., & Schweizer, J. (2013). A relative difference approach to detect potential weak layers within a snow profile. Proceedings of the 2013 International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, 339–343. Retrieved from
## first align two profiles, then assess the similarity of the aligned profiles
alignment <- dtwSP(SPpairs$A_modeled, SPpairs$A_manual)
SIM <- simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, verbose = TRUE)
## similarity of identical profiles
SIM <- simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$queryWarped, verbose = TRUE)
## non-matched layers become apparent here:
alignment <- plotSPalignment(SPpairs$C_day1, SPpairs$C_day2, keep.alignment = TRUE,
rescale2refHS = FALSE, checkGlobalAlignment = FALSE)
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, nonMatchedSim = 0.5)
## smaller similarity score due to 'penalty' of non-matched layers:
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, nonMatchedSim = 0)
## even smaller similarity score due to higher impact of non-matched layer thickness:
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, nonMatchedSim = 0, nonMatchedThickness = 1)
## detect WL based on lemons (instead of grain type alone):
P1 <- computeTSA(SPpairs$D_generalAlignment1)
P2 <- computeTSA(SPpairs$D_generalAlignment2)
alignment <- dtwSP(P1, P2, simType = "tsa_wldetection")
# sim based on WL-detection with TSA:
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "tsa_wldetection", verbose = TRUE)
# sim solely based on grain type, neglecting TSA information
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "simple", verbose = TRUE)
## RTA scaling type
P1 <- computeRTA(P1)
P2 <- computeRTA(P2)
alignment <- dtwSP(P1, P2, simType = "rta_scaling")
# sim based on scaling with RTA
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "rta_scaling")
# sim based on WL-detection with RTA
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "rta_wldetection")
# sim based on WL-detection with TSA
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "tsa_wldetection")
## layerwise similarity (i) unscaled...
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "layerwise", verbose = TRUE)
##... or (ii) with custom scaling factor (example only illustrative)
alignment$queryWarped$layers$scalingFactor <- 0.1
alignment$queryWarped$layers$scalingFactor[findPWL(alignment$queryWarped)] <- 1
alignment$reference$layers$scalingFactor <- 0.1
alignment$reference$layers$scalingFactor[findPWL(alignment$reference)] <- 1
simSP(alignment$queryWarped, alignment$reference, type = "layerwise",
apply_scalingFactor = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)