omitted_recoder_df {saros}R Documentation

Recode Missing By Type of Missingness


Useful for item difficulty estimation according to Mislevy's recommendation. Also allowing for escaping rows with all missingess (typically not administered).


  accept_vector = FALSE,
  skipped = 0L,
  not_administered = NA_integer_,
  all_missing = NA_integer_



Data frame, or vector. Must be a dataframe, not a matrix, in this function. Only include item variables.


Handles vectors if accept_vector=TRUE. Set to false to avoid accidents when using function per block and there is just one item in the block.


What to replace skipped values with


What to replace not administered values with.


What to replace values in rows with all missing with.


A data.frame (or vector, if input is vector and accept_vector=TRUE) with recoded cells.


# Original data
input <- stats::setNames(
	1,0,1,0,1, # All present
	NA,0,1,0,1, # First missing
	NA,NA,1,0,1, # First two missing
	1,0,NA,0,1, # One in middle missing
	1,NA,NA,NA,1, # All in the middle missing
	1,0,1,0,NA, # Last one missing
	1,0,1,NA,NA, # Last two missing
	1,0,NA,NA,NA, # Last three missing
	NA,NA,NA,NA,NA # All missing
), nrow = 9, byrow = TRUE)), nm=stringi::stri_c(ignore_null=TRUE, "X", 1:5))
# What should be the output for item estimation according to Mislevy
# Skipped=> 0, not_administered=>NA, all_missing=>NA
y_i <-  stats::setNames(
	1,0,1,0,1, # All present
	0,0,1,0,1, # First missing
	0,0,1,0,1, # First two missing
	1,0,0,0,1, # One in middle missing
	1,0,0,0,1, # All in the middle missing
	1,0,1,0,0, # Last one missing
	1,0,1,0,NA, # Last two missing
	1,0,0,NA,NA, # Last three missing
	NA,NA,NA,NA,NA # All missing
), nrow = 9, byrow = TRUE)), nm=stringi::stri_c(ignore_null=TRUE, "X", 1:5))

# What should be the output for person estimation according to Mislevy
# Skipped=> 0, not_administered=>NA, all_missing=>NA
y_p <- stats::setNames(
	1,0,1,0,1, # All present
	0,0,1,0,1, # First missing
	0,0,1,0,1, # First two missing
	1,0,0,0,1, # One in middle missing
	1,0,0,0,1, # All in the middle missing
	1,0,1,0,0, # Last one missing
	1,0,1,0,0, # Last two missing
	1,0,0,0,0, # Last three missing
	0,0,0,0,0 # All missing
), nrow = 9, byrow = TRUE)), nm=stringi::stri_c(ignore_null=TRUE, "X", 1:5))
# Recoding for counting skipped, not_administered, all_missing, etc
# Skipped=> 99, not_administered=>999, all_missing=>9999
y_info <- stats::setNames(
	1,0,1,0,1, # All present
	99,0,1,0,1, # First missing
	99,99,1,0,1, # First two missing
	1,0,99,0,1, # One in middle missing
	1,99,99,99,1, # All in the middle missing
	1,0,1,0,99, # Last one missing
	1,0,1,99,999, # Last two missing
	1,0,99,999,999, # Last three missing
	9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 # All missing
), nrow = 9, byrow = TRUE)), nm=stringi::stri_c(ignore_null=TRUE, "X", 1:5))

y_i2 <- omitted_recoder_df(input) #Mislevy item estimation
y_p2 <- omitted_recoder_df(input, skipped = 0L, #Mislevy person estimation
                           not_administered = 0L, all_missing = 0L)
y_info2 <- omitted_recoder_df(input, skipped = 99,
                              not_administered = 999, all_missing = 9999)
identical(y_i, y_i2)
identical(y_p, y_p2)
identical(y_info, y_info2)
## Not run: 
omitted_recoder_df(input[,4]) # Should fail

## End(Not run)
identical(omitted_recoder_df(input[,4], accept_vector=TRUE),
identical(omitted_recoder_df(input[,4, drop=FALSE]),
          input[,4, drop=FALSE]) # Output should equal input

[Package saros version 1.0.4 Index]