embed_cat_prop_plot_docx {saros} | R Documentation |
Create Word Report with Univariates for Categorical Columns Sharing Same Categories
Create Word Report with Univariates for Categorical Columns Sharing Same Categories
dep = tidyselect::everything(),
indep = NULL,
colour_palette = NULL,
mesos_group = NULL,
plot_height = 15,
inverse = FALSE
data |
Survey data
A data frame (or a srvyr-object) with the columns specified in the chapter_overview 'dep_cat', etc columns. |
... |
Dynamic dots Arguments forwarded to the corresponding functions that create the elements. |
dep , indep |
Variable selections < Columns in |
colour_palette |
Character vector of colour codes. |
mesos_group |
Specific group to compare with
Both the absolute and relative folderpaths are required, as strings. |
plot_height |
Fixed height of the plot in cm. Defaults to 15. |
inverse |
Flag, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, swaps x-axis and faceting. |
rdocx object, which can be saved with print() after loading the officer-package
library(officer) # To save the rdocx object to disk
test_docx_b13 <-
ex_survey |>
embed_cat_prop_plot_docx(dep = b_1:b_3,
showNA = "never",
descend = TRUE,
return_raw = FALSE,
data_label = "percentage_bare",
data_label_decimal_symbol = ",",
digits = 1,
label_font_size = 12,
main_font_size = 12,
plot_height_multiplier = .3,
plot_height_fixed_constant = 1,
vertical = FALSE,
font_family = "sans")
print(test_docx_b13, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))