Simulation and Prediction with Seasonal ARIMA Models

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Documentation for package ‘sarima’ version 0.9.3

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sarima-package Package sarima Simulation and Prediction with Seasonal ARIMA Models

-- A --

acfGarchTest Tests for weak white noise
acfIidTest Carry out IID tests using sample autocorrelations
acfIidTest-method Carry out IID tests using sample autocorrelations
acfIidTest-methods Carry out IID tests using sample autocorrelations
acfMaTest Autocorrelation test for MA(q)
acfOfSquaredArmaModel Covariances of sample autocorrelations
acfWnTest Tests for weak white noise
armaacf Crosscovariances between an ARMA process and its innovations
armaccf_xe Crosscovariances between an ARMA process and its innovations
ArmaModel Create ARMA objects
ArmaModel-class Classes ArmaModel, ArModel and MaModel in package sarima
ArmaSpectrum-class Class '"ArmaSpectrum"'
arma_Q0bis Computing the initial state covariance matrix of ARMA
arma_Q0Gardner Computing the initial state covariance matrix of ARMA
arma_Q0gnb Compute the initial state covariance of ARMA model
arma_Q0gnbR Computing the initial state covariance matrix of ARMA
arma_Q0naive Computing the initial state covariance matrix of ARMA
ArModel Create ARMA objects
ArModel-class Classes ArmaModel, ArModel and MaModel in package sarima
as.SarimaModel Convert S3 model objects to class SarimaModel
as.SarimaModel.Arima Convert S3 model objects to class SarimaModel
autocorrelations Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
autocorrelations-method Methods for function autocorrelations()
autocorrelations-methods Methods for function autocorrelations()
autocovariances Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
autocovariances-method Methods for function autocovariances()
autocovariances-methods Methods for function autocovariances()

-- B --

backwardPartialCoefficients Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
backwardPartialVariances Compute autocorrelations and related quantities

-- C --

coerce-method setAs methods in package sarima
coerce-methods setAs methods in package sarima
confint Confidence and acceptance intervals in package sarima
confint-method Confidence and acceptance intervals in package sarima

-- F --

filterCoef Coefficients and other basic properties of filters
filterCoef-method Methods for filterCoef()
filterCoef-methods Methods for filterCoef()
filterOrder Coefficients and other basic properties of filters
filterOrder-method Methods for function 'filterOrder' in package 'sarima'
filterOrder-methods Methods for function 'filterOrder' in package 'sarima'
filterPoly Coefficients and other basic properties of filters
filterPoly-method Methods for 'filterPoly' in package 'sarima'
filterPoly-methods Methods for 'filterPoly' in package 'sarima'
filterPolyCoef Coefficients and other basic properties of filters
filterPolyCoef-method Methods for filterPolyCoef
filterPolyCoef-methods Methods for filterPolyCoef
FisherInformation Fisher information
FisherInformation-method Fisher information
FisherInformation-methods Fisher information
FisherInformation.Arima Fisher information
fun.forecast Forecasting functions for seasonal ARIMA models

-- I --

InterceptSpec-class Class InterceptSpec
isStationaryModel Check if a model is stationary
isStationaryModel-method Check if a model is stationary
isStationaryModel-methods Check if a model is stationary

-- M --

MaModel Create ARMA objects
MaModel-class Classes ArmaModel, ArModel and MaModel in package sarima
modelCenter model center
modelCenter-method model center
modelCenter-methods model center
modelCoef Get the coefficients of models
modelCoef-method Methods for generic function modelCoef
modelCoef-methods Methods for generic function modelCoef
modelIntercept Give the intercept parameter of a model
modelIntercept-method Give the intercept parameter of a model
modelIntercept-methods Give the intercept parameter of a model
modelOrder Get the model order and other properties of models
modelOrder-method Get the order of a model
modelOrder-methods Get the order of a model
modelPoly Get the model order and other properties of models
modelPoly-method Get polynomials associated with SARIMA models
modelPoly-methods Get polynomials associated with SARIMA models
modelPolyCoef Get the model order and other properties of models
modelPolyCoef-method Methods for modelPolyCoef
modelPolyCoef-methods Methods for modelPolyCoef

-- N --

nSeasons Number of seasons
nSeasons-method Number of seasons
nSeasons-methods Number of seasons
nUnitRoots Number of unit roots in a model
nUnitRoots-method Number of unit roots in a model
nUnitRoots-methods Number of unit roots in a model
nvarOfAcfKP Compute variances of autocorrelations under ARCH-type hypothesis
nvcovOfAcf Covariances of sample autocorrelations
nvcovOfAcfBD Covariances of sample autocorrelations

-- P --

partialAutocorrelations Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
partialAutocorrelations-method Methods for function partialAutocorrelations
partialAutocorrelations-methods Methods for function partialAutocorrelations
partialAutocovariances Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
partialCoefficients Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
partialVariances Compute autocorrelations and related quantities
periodogram Obtain the most important period lags of a time series according to a periodogram.
plot-method Class '"ArmaSpectrum"'
plot-method Class '"Spectrum"'
plot-method Plot methods in package sarima
plot-methods Plot methods in package sarima
plot.ArmaSpectrum Class '"ArmaSpectrum"'
plot.Spectrum Class '"Spectrum"'
prepareSimSarima Prepare SARIMA simulations
print.ArmaSpectrum Class '"ArmaSpectrum"'
print.genspec Spectral Density
print.simSarimaFun Prepare SARIMA simulations
print.Spectrum Class '"Spectrum"'

-- S --

sarima Fit extended SARIMA models
SarimaModel-class Class SarimaModel in package sarima
se Compute standard errors
setAs setAs methods in package sarima
show-method Class '"ArmaSpectrum"'
show-method Class '"Spectrum"'
sigmaSq Get the innovation variance of models
sigmaSq-method Get the innovation variance of models
sigmaSq-methods Get the innovation variance of models
sim_sarima Simulate trajectories of seasonal arima models
spec Spectral Density
spectrum Spectral Density
Spectrum-class Class '"Spectrum"'
spectrum-method Spectral Density
spectrum.Arima Spectral Density
spectrum.ArmaModel Spectral Density
spectrum.default Spectral Density
spectrum.function Spectral Density
spectrum.SarimaModel Spectral Density
summary.SarimaFilter Methods for summary in package sarima
summary.SarimaModel Methods for summary in package sarima
summary.SarimaSpec Methods for summary in package sarima

-- T --

tsdiag Diagnostic Plots for fitted seasonal ARIMA models
tsdiag.Sarima Diagnostic Plots for fitted seasonal ARIMA models

-- V --

vcov Compute standard errors
vcov-method Compute standard errors

-- W --

whiteNoiseTest White noise tests

-- X --

xarmaFilter Applies an extended ARMA filter to a time series