make_sankey {sankey}R Documentation

Create an object that describes a sankey plot


Create an object that describes a sankey plot


make_sankey(nodes = NULL, edges, y = c("optimal", "simple"),
  break_edges = FALSE, gravity = c("center", "top", "bottom"))



A data frame of nodes on the plot, and possibly their visual style. The first column must be the ids of the nodes. If this argument is NULL, then the ids of the nodes are determined from edges.


A data frame of the edges. The first two columns must be node ids, and they define the edges. The rest of the columns contain the visual style of the edges.


How to calculate vertical coordinates of nodes, if they are not given in the input. optimal tries to minimize edge crossings, simple simply packs nodes in the order they are given, from bottom to top.


Whether to plot each edge as two segments, or a single one. Sometimes two segment plots look better.


Whether to push the nodes to the top, to the bottom or to the center, within a column.


The node and edges data frames may contain columns that specify how the plot is created. All parameters have reasonable default values.

Current list of graphical parameters for nodes:

Current list of graphical parameters for edges:


A sankey object that can be plotted via the sankey function.x


## Function calls in the pkgsnap package:
edges <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(
"                get_deps          get_description
                 get_deps               parse_deps
                 get_deps                     %||%
                 get_deps            drop_internal
          get_description        pkg_from_filename
               parse_deps                 str_trim
                cran_file             get_pkg_type
                cran_file          r_minor_version
            download_urls split_pkg_names_versions
            download_urls                cran_file
             pkg_download               dir_exists
             pkg_download            download_urls
             pkg_download        filename_from_url
             pkg_download             try_download
                  restore             pkg_download
                  restore        drop_missing_deps
                  restore            install_order
                  restore                 get_deps
 split_pkg_names_versions               data_frame
pkgsnap_sankey <- make_sankey(edges = edges)

## Some customization
nodes <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  id = c("snap", sort(unique(c(edges[,1], edges[,2]))))
nodes$col <- ifelse(nodes$id %in% c("snap", "restore"), "orange", "#2ca25f")
edges$colorstyle <- "gradient"

sankey(make_sankey(nodes, edges))

[Package sankey version 1.0.2 Index]