Comparing and Visualizing Differences Between Surveys

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Documentation for package ‘sampcompR’ version 0.2.1

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biv_compare Compare Multiple Data Frames on a Bivariate Level
biv_compare_table Returns a table based on the information of a 'biv_compare_object' which can be outputted as html or LaTex Table, for example with the help of the stargazer function.
biv_per_variable Returns a table based on the information of a 'biv_compare_object' that indicates the proportion of biased variables. It can be outputted as html or LaTex Table, for example with the help of the stargazer function.
dataequalizer Equalize dataframes
descriptive_table Get a Descriptive Table for Every Data Frame
multi_compare Compares data frames using different regression methods.
multi_compare_merge Combine multi_compare_objects
multi_compare_table Create an Output-Table of a multi_compare_object
multi_per_variable Returns a table based on the information of a 'multi_compare_object' that indicates the proportion of biased variables. It can be outputted as html or LaTex Table, for example with the help of the stargazer function.
plot_biv_compare Plot Comparison of Multiple Data Frames on a Bivariate Level
plot_multi_compare Plot Multiple multi_compare_objects
plot_uni_compare plot univar data
R_indicator Calculate the R-Indicator
sampcompR sampcompR: A package for the comparison of samples
uni_compare Compare data frames and Plot Differences
uni_compare_table Create an Output-Table of a uni_compare_object