dis_rast {sampbias}R Documentation

Distance Rasters from a List of Geographic Gazetteers


Creates a list of distances rasters based on a list of geographic gazetteers, as SpatVector objects, and a template SpatRaster, indicating the desired extent and resolution.


dis_rast(gaz, ras, buffer = NULL)



an object of the class list, including one or more geographic gazetteers of the class SpatVector.


an object of the class SpatRaster. Defining the extent and resolution of the distances rasters.


numerical. The size of the geographic buffer around the extent of ras for the distance calculations in degrees, to account for geographic structures neighbouring the study area (such as a road right outside the study area) Default is to the resolution of ras.


a list of SpatRaster objects of the same length as gaz. The values in each raster correspond to the planar geographic distance to the next feature in gaz, given the resolution of ras


Check https://github.com/azizka/sampbias/wiki for a tutorial on sampbias.

See Also



#create raster for resolution and extent
ras <- terra::rast(terra::ext(-5,5,-4,4), res = 1)

#create point gazeteer
pts <- data.frame(long = runif(n = 5, min = -5, max = 5),
                  lat = runif(n = 5, min = -4, max = 4),
                  dat = rep("A", 5))

pts <- terra::vect(pts, geom = c("long", "lat"))

lin <- as.matrix(data.frame(long = seq(-5, 5, by = 1),
                  lat = rep(2, times = 11)))
lin <- terra::vect(lin, type = "line")

gaz <- list(point.structure = pts, lines.strucutre = lin)

out <- dis_rast(gaz, ras)

[Package sampbias version 2.0.0 Index]