samonDataCheck {samon}R Documentation

Samon Data Check


Checks data for intermittent missing or monotone missing pattern


samonDataCheck( data )



matrix with (i,j) entry representing value for subject i at time-point j.


Returns a basic summary of samon input data. This includes a check that there is not missing data at baseline.


Returns a list with items: N the number or rows in data, NT the number of columns in data, missingBaseline which is set to 1 if any baseline data is missing, and, interMissing, indicating if there are any intermittent data.

desc a matrix of dimension N by 4 with each row representing the same row in the original data. Columns are: col 1: 1 if non-missing baseline value col 2: last available time col 3: last available observation col 4: number of non missing values

Note that col2 - col4 gives the number of intermittent missing values.

missingPatterns, a list of missing patterns found in the data NmissingTables, frequencies of missing patterns, and PmissingTable the proportion of each missing pattern in the data.


 # monotone missing
 chkm <- samonDataCheck( samonPANSS1 )

 # non monotone missing
 chknm <- samonDataCheck( VAS1 )

[Package samon version 4.0.2 Index]