IPbag {sambia}R Documentation

Predicting outcomes using non-parametric Inverse-Probability bagging


This method trains classifiers by correcting them for sample selection bias via non-parametric inverse-probability bagging. This method fits classifiers from different resampled data whose observations are increased per stratum to correct for the bias in the original sample. The so attained ensemble of predictors is aggregated by averaging.


IPbag(..., learner, list.train.learner, list.predict.learner, n.bs)



see the parameter ipOversampling() of package sambia.


a character indicating which classifier is used to train. Note: set learner='rangerTree' if random forest should be applied as in Krautenbacher et al. (2017), i.e. the correction step is incorporated in the inherent random forest resampling procedure.


a list of parameters specific to the classifier that will be trained. Note that the parameter 'data' need not to be provided in this list since the training data which the model will learn on is already attained by new sampled data produced by the method genSample().


a list of parameters specifiying how to predict new data given the learned model. (This learned model is uniquely determined by parameters 'learner' and 'list.train.learner').


number of bootstramp samples.


Norbert Krautenbacher, Kevin Strauss, Maximilian Mandl, Christiane Fuchs


Krautenbacher, N., Theis, F. J., & Fuchs, C. (2017). Correcting Classifiers for Sample Selection Bias in Two-Phase Case-Control Studies. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2017.


## simulate data for a population

N = 100000
x1 <- rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=1) 
x2 <- rt(N, df=25)
x3 <- x1 + rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=.6)
x4 <- x2 + rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=1.3)
x5 <- rbinom(N, 1, prob=.6)
x6 <- rnorm(N, 0, sd = 1) # noise not known as variable
x7 <- x1*x5 # interaction
x <- cbind(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)

## stratum variable (covariate)
xs <- c(rep(1,0.1*N), rep(0,(1-0.1)*N))

## effects
beta <- c(-1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6)
beta0 <- -2

## generate binary outcome
linpred.slopes <-  log(0.5)*xs + c(x %*% beta)
eta <-  beta0 + linpred.slopes

p <- 1/(1+exp(-eta)) # this is the probability P(Y=1|X), we want the binary outcome however:
y<-rbinom(n=N, size=1, prob=p) #

population <- data.frame(y,xs,x)

#### draw "given" data set for training
sel.prob <- rep(1,N)
sel.prob[population$xs == 1] <- 9
sel.prob[population$y == 1] <- 8
sel.prob[population$y == 1 & population$xs == 1] <- 150
ind <- sample(1:N, 200, prob = sel.prob)

data = population[ind, ]

## calculate weights from original numbers for xs and y
w.matrix <- table(population$y, population$xs)/table(data$y, data$xs)
w <- rep(NA, nrow(data))
w[data$y==0 & data$xs ==0] <- w.matrix[1,1]
w[data$y==1 & data$xs ==0] <- w.matrix[2,1]
w[data$y==0 & data$xs ==1] <- w.matrix[1,2]
w[data$y==1 & data$xs ==1] <- w.matrix[2,2]

### draw a test data set
newdata = population[sample(1:N, size=200 ), ]

n.bs = 5
pred_nb <- sambia::IPbag(data = data, weights = w,
           learner='naiveBayes', list.train.learner = list(formula=formula(y~.)),
           list.predict.learner = list(newdata=newdata, type="raw"),
           n.bs = n.bs)
roc(newdata$y, pred_nb, direction="<")

[Package sambia version 0.1.0 Index]