sf_update {salesforcer}R Documentation

Update Records



Updates one or more records to your organization’s data.


  api_type = c("SOAP", "REST", "Bulk 1.0", "Bulk 2.0"),
  guess_types = TRUE,
  control = list(...),
  all_or_none = deprecated(),
  verbose = FALSE



named vector, matrix, data.frame, or tbl_df; data can be coerced into a data.frame. If performing an update, upsert, or delete operation, then one column or field must be the Id of the record to modify or delete.


character; the name of the Salesforce object that the function is operating against (e.g. "Account", "Contact", "CustomObject__c").


character; one of "REST", "SOAP", "Bulk 1.0", or "Bulk 2.0" indicating which API to use when making the request.


logical; indicating whether or not to use col_guess() to try and cast the data returned in the recordset. If TRUE then col_guess() is used, if FALSE then all fields will be returned as character. This is helpful when col_guess() will mangle field values in Salesforce that you'd like to preserve during translation into a tbl_df, like numeric looking values that must be preserved as strings ("48.0").


list; a list of parameters for controlling the behavior of the API call being used. For more information of what parameters are available look at the documentation for sf_control.


arguments passed to sf_control or further downstream to sf_bulk_operation


logical; allows a call to roll back all changes unless all records are processed successfully.


logical; an indicator of whether to print additional detail for each API call, which is useful for debugging. More specifically, when set to TRUE the URL, header, and body will be printed for each request, along with additional diagnostic information where available.


tbl_df of records with success indicator


Because the SOAP and REST calls chunk data into batches of 200 records the AllOrNoneHeader will only apply to the success or failure of every batch of records and not all records submitted to the function.


## Not run: 
n <- 2
new_contacts <- tibble(FirstName = rep("Test", n),
                       LastName = paste0("Contact", 1:n))
new_records <- sf_create(new_contacts, "Contact")
updated_contacts <- tibble(FirstName = rep("TestTest", n),
                           LastName = paste0("Contact", 1:n),
                           Id = new_records$id)
# update and allow fields to be truncated if they are too long
update <- sf_update(input_data = updated_contacts, object_name = "Contact",

## End(Not run)

[Package salesforcer version 1.0.1 Index]