sf_list_api_limits {salesforcer} | R Documentation |
List the Limits for an API
Lists information about limits in your org.
This resource is available in REST API version 29.0 and later for API users with the View Setup and Configuration permission. The resource returns these limits:
Daily API calls
Daily asynchronous Apex method executions (batch Apex, future methods, queueable Apex, and scheduled Apex)
Daily Bulk API calls
Daily Streaming API events (API version 36.0 and earlier)
Daily durable Streaming API events (API version 37.0 and later)
Streaming API concurrent clients (API version 36.0 and earlier)
Durable Streaming API concurrent clients (API version 37.0 and later)
Daily generic streaming events (API version 36.0 and earlier)
Daily durable generic streaming events (API version 37.0 and later)
Daily number of mass emails that are sent to external email addresses by using Apex or APIs
Daily number of single emails that are sent to external email addresses by using Apex or APIs
Concurrent REST API requests for results of asynchronous report runs
Concurrent synchronous report runs via REST API
Hourly asynchronous report runs via REST API
Hourly synchronous report runs via REST API
Hourly dashboard refreshes via REST API
Hourly REST API requests for dashboard results
Hourly dashboard status requests via REST API
Daily workflow emails
Hourly workflow time triggers
Hourly OData callouts
Daily and active scratch org counts
Data storage (MB)
File storage (MB)
## Not run:
## End(Not run)