Simple Automatic Differentiation

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Documentation for package ‘salad’ version 1.0

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A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S T V W misc

-- A --

abs.dual Mathematical functions
acos.dual Mathematical functions
acosh.dual Mathematical functions
aperm Transposition of matrices and arrays
aperm.dual Transposition of matrices and arrays
apply-method Apply functions over array margins of dual objects
Arithmetic Arithmetic Operators
array-method Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
as Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
as.matrix-method Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
as.matrix.dual Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
as.vector-method Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
as.vector.dual Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
asin.dual Mathematical functions
asinh.dual Mathematical functions
atan.dual Mathematical functions
atan2-method Mathematical functions
atanh.dual Mathematical functions

-- B --

beta-method Mathematical functions
bind Binding methods for dual objects

-- C --

c Concatenation methods
c-dual Concatenation methods
c-method Concatenation methods
cbind2-method Binding methods for dual objects
ceiling.dual Mathematical functions
choose-method Mathematical functions
colMeans Row and column sums and means
colMeans-method Row and column sums and means
colMeans.dual Row and column sums and means
colSums Row and column sums and means
colSums-method Row and column sums and means
colSums.dual Row and column sums and means
Compare-method Comparison Operators
Comparison Comparison Operators
concat0 Concatenation methods
cos.dual Mathematical functions
cosh.dual Mathematical functions
cospi.dual Mathematical functions
crossprod-method Matrix Arithmetic

-- D --

d get list of derivatives
d.dual get list of derivatives
d.numeric get list of derivatives
det Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
det-method Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
det.dual Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
determinant Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
determinant.dual Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
diag Matrix diagonals
diag-method Matrix diagonals
diag.dual Matrix diagonals
diag<--method Matrix diagonals
digamma.dual Mathematical functions
dim.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
dim<-.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
dimnames.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
dimnames<-.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
dnorm Normal distribution
dnorm.dual Normal distribution
dual Dual objects
dual-class dual class
dualFun1 Defining in-house derivatives

-- E --

exp.dual Mathematical functions
expm1.dual Mathematical functions
Extract Extract or replace parts of an object

-- F --

factorial.dual Mathematical functions
floor.dual Mathematical functions

-- G --

gamma.dual Mathematical functions

-- I --

ifelse Conditionnal Element Selection
ifelse-method Conditionnal Element Selection
inversion Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices

-- L --

lbeta-method Mathematical functions
lchoose-method Mathematical functions
length.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
lfactorial.dual Mathematical functions
lgamma.dual Mathematical functions
log.dual Mathematical functions
log10.dual Mathematical functions
log1p.dual Mathematical functions
log2.dual Mathematical functions
logNeper Mathematical functions

-- M --

MathFun Mathematical functions
matmult Matrix Arithmetic
matrix Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
matrix-method Methods for 'matrix', 'array', 'as.matrix' and 'as.vector'
matrixprod_dd Matrix Arithmetic
matrixprod_dn Matrix Arithmetic
matrixprod_nd Matrix Arithmetic
max Summary methods for objects of class dual
max-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
max.dual Summary methods for objects of class dual
min Summary methods for objects of class dual
min-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
min.dual Summary methods for objects of class dual

-- N --

names.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
names<-.dual Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames

-- O --

outer Outer product for dual objects
outer-method Outer product for dual objects
outer.dual Outer product for dual objects

-- P --

prod Summary methods for objects of class dual
prod-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
prod.dual Summary methods for objects of class dual
psigamma-method Mathematical functions
psigamma.dual Mathematical functions

-- R --

range Summary methods for objects of class dual
range-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
range.dual Summary methods for objects of class dual
rbind2-method Binding methods for dual objects
rbind2_dd Binding methods for dual objects
rep Replicate elements of a dual vector
rep.dual Replicate elements of a dual vector
rowMeans Row and column sums and means
rowMeans-method Row and column sums and means
rowMeans.dual Row and column sums and means
rowSums Row and column sums and means
rowSums-method Row and column sums and means
rowSums.dual Row and column sums and means

-- S --

salad Salad options
shape Dual objects length, dim, names and dimnames
sign.dual Mathematical functions
sin.dual Mathematical functions
sinh.dual Mathematical functions
sinpi.dual Mathematical functions
solve Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
solve-method Determinant and matrix inversion for dual matrices
sqrt.dual Mathematical functions
sum Summary methods for objects of class dual
sum-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
sum.dual Summary methods for objects of class dual
Summary Summary methods for objects of class dual

-- T --

t Transposition of matrices and arrays
t.dual Transposition of matrices and arrays
tan.dual Mathematical functions
tanh.dual Mathematical functions
tanpi.dual Mathematical functions
tcrossprod-method Matrix Arithmetic
trigamma.dual Mathematical functions
trunc.dual Mathematical functions

-- V --

value get list of derivatives
value.dual get list of derivatives
value.numeric get list of derivatives
varnames get list of derivatives
varnames.dual get list of derivatives
varnames.numeric get list of derivatives

-- W --

which.max Summary methods for objects of class dual
which.max-method Summary methods for objects of class dual
which.min Summary methods for objects of class dual
which.min-method Summary methods for objects of class dual

-- misc --

%*%-method Matrix Arithmetic
%o%-method Outer product for dual objects
*-method Arithmetic Operators
+-method Arithmetic Operators
--method Arithmetic Operators
/-method Arithmetic Operators
[-method Extract or replace parts of an object
[<--method Extract or replace parts of an object
^-method Arithmetic Operators