checkAndReturnsEsMinParameterSide |
Checks consistency between the sided of the hypothesis and the minimal clinically relevant effect size or safe test defining parameter. Throws an error if the one-sided hypothesis is incongruent with the |
checkAndReturnsNPlan |
Check consistency between nPlan and the testType for one and two-sample z and t-tests |
checkDoubleArgumentsDesignObject |
Helper function to check whether arguments are specified in a function at a higher level and already provided in the design object. |
computeBetaBatchSafeZ |
Helper function: Computes the type II error based on the minimal clinically relevant effect size and sample size. |
computeBetaSafeT |
Helper function: Computes the type II error of the safeTTest based on the minimal clinically relevant standardised mean difference and nPlan. |
computeBetaSafeZ |
Helper function: Computes the type II error based on the minimal clinically relevant mean difference and nPlan |
computeBootObj |
Computes the bootObj for sequential sampling procedures regarding nPlan, beta, the implied target |
computeConfidenceBoundForLogOddsTwoProportions |
Estimate an upper or lower bound for a safe confidence sequence on the logarithm of the odds ratio for two proportions. |
computeConfidenceBoundsForDifferenceTwoProportions |
Estimate Lower and Upper Bounds on the Confidence Sequence (Interval) for the Difference Divergence Measure for Two Proportions |
computeConfidenceIntervalT |
Helper function: Computes the safe confidence sequence for the mean in a t-test |
computeConfidenceIntervalZ |
Helper function: Computes the safe confidence sequence for a z-test |
computeEsMinSafeT |
Helper function: Computes the minimal clinically relevant standardised mean difference for the safe t-test nPlan and beta. |
computeLogrankBetaFrom |
Helper function: Computes the type II error under optional stopping based on the minimal clinically relevant hazard ratio and the maximum number of nEvents. |
computeLogrankNEvents |
Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant hazard ratio, alpha and beta under optional stopping. |
computeLogrankZ |
Helper function to computes the logrank statistic for 'Surv' objects of type "right" and "counting" with the hypergeometric variance. |
computeMinEsBatchSafeZ |
Computes the smallest mean difference that is detectable with chance 1-beta, for the provided sample size |
computeNEff |
Help function to compute the effective sample size based on a length 2 vector of samples |
computeNPlanBatchSafeT |
Helper function: Computes the planned sample size for the safe t-test based on the minimal clinically relevant standardised effect size, alpha and beta. |
computeNPlanBatchSafeZ |
Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant mean difference, alpha and beta. |
computeNPlanSafeT |
Helper function: Computes the planned sample size of the safe t-test based on the minimal clinical relevant standardised mean difference. |
computeNPlanSafeZ |
Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant mean difference, alpha and beta |
computeStatsForLogrank |
Computes the sufficient statistics needed to compute 'logrankSingleZ' |
defineTTestN |
Computes a Sequence of (Effective) Sample Sizes |
designFreqT |
Design a Frequentist T-Test |
designFreqZ |
Design a Frequentist Z-Test |
designPilotSafeT |
Designs a Safe T-Test Based on Planned Samples nPlan |
designPilotSafeZ |
Designs a Safe Z-Test Based on Planned Samples nPlan |
designSafeLogrank |
Designs a Safe Logrank Test Experiment |
designSafeT |
Designs a Safe Experiment to Test Means with a T Test |
designSafeTwoProportions |
Designs a Safe Experiment to Test Two Proportions in Stream Data |
designSafeZ |
Designs a Safe Z Experiment |
extractNameFromArgs |
Helper function: Get all names as entered by the user |
generateNormalData |
Generates Normally Distributed Data Depending on the Design |
generateSurvData |
Generate Survival Data which Can Be Analysed With the 'survival' Package |
getArgs |
Helper function: Get all arguments as entered by the user |
getNameAlternative |
Gets the Label of the Alternative Hypothesis |
getNameTestType |
Gets the Label of the Test |
isTryError |
Checks Whether a Vector of Object Inherits from the Class 'try-error' |
logrankSingleEExact |
Helper function computes single component of the exact logrank e-value |
logrankSingleZ |
Helper function computes single component of the logrank statistic |
plot.safe2x2Sim |
Plots Results of Simulations for Comparing Hyperparameters for Safe Tests of Two Proportions |
plot.safeTSim |
Plots a 'safeTSim' Object |
plotConfidenceSequenceTwoProportions |
Plot bounds of a safe confidence sequence of the difference or log odds ratio for two proportions against the number of data blocks in two data streams ya and yb. |
plotHistogramDistributionStoppingTimes |
Plots the Histogram of Stopping Times |
plotSafeTDesignSampleSizeProfile |
Plots the Sample Sizes Necessary for a Tolerable Alpha and Beta as a Function of deltaMin |
print.safe2x2Sim |
Prints Results of Simulations for Comparing Hyperparameters for Safe Tests of Two Proportions |
print.safeDesign |
Print Method for Safe Tests |
print.safeTest |
Print Method for Safe Tests |
print.safeTSim |
Prints a safeTSim Object |
replicateTTests |
Simulate Early Stopping Experiments |
returnOne |
Auxiliary function for sampling of the logrank simulations to return the integer 1 event per time. |
rLogrank |
Randomly samples from a logrank distribution |
safe.prop.test |
Perform a Safe Test for Two Proportions with Stream Data |
safe.t.test |
Safe Student's T-Test. |
safe.z.test |
Safe Z-Test |
safeLogrankTest |
Safe Logrank Test |
safeLogrankTestStat |
Safe Logrank Test |
safeTTest |
Safe Student's T-Test. |
safeTTestStat |
Computes E-Values Based on the T-Statistic |
safeTTestStatAlpha |
safeTTestStat() Subtracted with 1/alpha. |
safeTTestStatTDensity |
safeTTestStat() based on t-densities |
safeTwoProportionsTest |
Perform a Safe Test for Two Proportions with Stream Data |
safeZ10Inverse |
Computes the Inverse of the Two-Sided Safe Z-Test |
safeZTest |
Safe Z-Test |
safeZTestStat |
Computes E-Values Based on the Z-Statistic |
sampleLogrankStoppingTimes |
Simulate stopping times for the exact safe logrank test |
sampleStoppingTimesSafeT |
Simulate stopping times for the safe z-test |
sampleStoppingTimesSafeZ |
Simulate stopping times for the safe z-test |
selectivelyContinueTTestCombineData |
Selectively Continue Experiments that Did Not Lead to a Null Rejection for a (Safe) T-Test |
setSafeStatsPlotOptionsAndReturnOldOnes |
Sets 'safestats' Plot Options and Returns the Current Plot Options. |
simulate.safeDesign |
Simulate Early Stopping Experiments for the T Test |
simulateCoverageDifferenceTwoProportions |
Simulate the coverage of a safe confidence sequence for differences between proportions for a given distribution and safe design. |
simulateIncorrectStoppingTimesFisher |
Simulate incorrect optional stopping with fisher's exact test's p-value as the stopping rule. |
simulateOptionalStoppingScenarioTwoProportions |
Simulate an optional stopping scenario according to a safe design for two proportions |
simulateTwoProportions |
Compare Different Hyperparameter Settings for Safe Tests of Two Proportions. |
tryOrFailWithNA |
Tries to Evaluate an Expression and Fails with 'NA' |