Safe Anytime-Valid Inference

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Documentation for package ‘safestats’ version 0.8.7

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checkAndReturnsEsMinParameterSide Checks consistency between the sided of the hypothesis and the minimal clinically relevant effect size or safe test defining parameter. Throws an error if the one-sided hypothesis is incongruent with the
checkAndReturnsNPlan Check consistency between nPlan and the testType for one and two-sample z and t-tests
checkDoubleArgumentsDesignObject Helper function to check whether arguments are specified in a function at a higher level and already provided in the design object.
computeBetaBatchSafeZ Helper function: Computes the type II error based on the minimal clinically relevant effect size and sample size.
computeBetaSafeT Helper function: Computes the type II error of the safeTTest based on the minimal clinically relevant standardised mean difference and nPlan.
computeBetaSafeZ Helper function: Computes the type II error based on the minimal clinically relevant mean difference and nPlan
computeBootObj Computes the bootObj for sequential sampling procedures regarding nPlan, beta, the implied target
computeConfidenceBoundForLogOddsTwoProportions Estimate an upper or lower bound for a safe confidence sequence on the logarithm of the odds ratio for two proportions.
computeConfidenceBoundsForDifferenceTwoProportions Estimate Lower and Upper Bounds on the Confidence Sequence (Interval) for the Difference Divergence Measure for Two Proportions
computeConfidenceIntervalT Helper function: Computes the safe confidence sequence for the mean in a t-test
computeConfidenceIntervalZ Helper function: Computes the safe confidence sequence for a z-test
computeEsMinSafeT Helper function: Computes the minimal clinically relevant standardised mean difference for the safe t-test nPlan and beta.
computeLogrankBetaFrom Helper function: Computes the type II error under optional stopping based on the minimal clinically relevant hazard ratio and the maximum number of nEvents.
computeLogrankNEvents Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant hazard ratio, alpha and beta under optional stopping.
computeLogrankZ Helper function to computes the logrank statistic for 'Surv' objects of type "right" and "counting" with the hypergeometric variance.
computeMinEsBatchSafeZ Computes the smallest mean difference that is detectable with chance 1-beta, for the provided sample size
computeNEff Help function to compute the effective sample size based on a length 2 vector of samples
computeNPlanBatchSafeT Helper function: Computes the planned sample size for the safe t-test based on the minimal clinically relevant standardised effect size, alpha and beta.
computeNPlanBatchSafeZ Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant mean difference, alpha and beta.
computeNPlanSafeT Helper function: Computes the planned sample size of the safe t-test based on the minimal clinical relevant standardised mean difference.
computeNPlanSafeZ Helper function: Computes the planned sample size based on the minimal clinical relevant mean difference, alpha and beta
computeStatsForLogrank Computes the sufficient statistics needed to compute 'logrankSingleZ'
defineTTestN Computes a Sequence of (Effective) Sample Sizes
designFreqT Design a Frequentist T-Test
designFreqZ Design a Frequentist Z-Test
designPilotSafeT Designs a Safe T-Test Based on Planned Samples nPlan
designPilotSafeZ Designs a Safe Z-Test Based on Planned Samples nPlan
designSafeLogrank Designs a Safe Logrank Test Experiment
designSafeT Designs a Safe Experiment to Test Means with a T Test
designSafeTwoProportions Designs a Safe Experiment to Test Two Proportions in Stream Data
designSafeZ Designs a Safe Z Experiment
extractNameFromArgs Helper function: Get all names as entered by the user
generateNormalData Generates Normally Distributed Data Depending on the Design
generateSurvData Generate Survival Data which Can Be Analysed With the 'survival' Package
getArgs Helper function: Get all arguments as entered by the user
getNameAlternative Gets the Label of the Alternative Hypothesis
getNameTestType Gets the Label of the Test
isTryError Checks Whether a Vector of Object Inherits from the Class 'try-error'
logrankSingleEExact Helper function computes single component of the exact logrank e-value
logrankSingleZ Helper function computes single component of the logrank statistic
plot.safe2x2Sim Plots Results of Simulations for Comparing Hyperparameters for Safe Tests of Two Proportions
plot.safeTSim Plots a 'safeTSim' Object
plotConfidenceSequenceTwoProportions Plot bounds of a safe confidence sequence of the difference or log odds ratio for two proportions against the number of data blocks in two data streams ya and yb.
plotHistogramDistributionStoppingTimes Plots the Histogram of Stopping Times
plotSafeTDesignSampleSizeProfile Plots the Sample Sizes Necessary for a Tolerable Alpha and Beta as a Function of deltaMin
print.safe2x2Sim Prints Results of Simulations for Comparing Hyperparameters for Safe Tests of Two Proportions
print.safeDesign Print Method for Safe Tests
print.safeTest Print Method for Safe Tests
print.safeTSim Prints a safeTSim Object
replicateTTests Simulate Early Stopping Experiments
returnOne Auxiliary function for sampling of the logrank simulations to return the integer 1 event per time.
rLogrank Randomly samples from a logrank distribution
safe.prop.test Perform a Safe Test for Two Proportions with Stream Data
safe.t.test Safe Student's T-Test.
safe.z.test Safe Z-Test
safeLogrankTest Safe Logrank Test
safeLogrankTestStat Safe Logrank Test
safeTTest Safe Student's T-Test.
safeTTestStat Computes E-Values Based on the T-Statistic
safeTTestStatAlpha safeTTestStat() Subtracted with 1/alpha.
safeTTestStatTDensity safeTTestStat() based on t-densities
safeTwoProportionsTest Perform a Safe Test for Two Proportions with Stream Data
safeZ10Inverse Computes the Inverse of the Two-Sided Safe Z-Test
safeZTest Safe Z-Test
safeZTestStat Computes E-Values Based on the Z-Statistic
sampleLogrankStoppingTimes Simulate stopping times for the exact safe logrank test
sampleStoppingTimesSafeT Simulate stopping times for the safe z-test
sampleStoppingTimesSafeZ Simulate stopping times for the safe z-test
selectivelyContinueTTestCombineData Selectively Continue Experiments that Did Not Lead to a Null Rejection for a (Safe) T-Test
setSafeStatsPlotOptionsAndReturnOldOnes Sets 'safestats' Plot Options and Returns the Current Plot Options.
simulate.safeDesign Simulate Early Stopping Experiments for the T Test
simulateCoverageDifferenceTwoProportions Simulate the coverage of a safe confidence sequence for differences between proportions for a given distribution and safe design.
simulateIncorrectStoppingTimesFisher Simulate incorrect optional stopping with fisher's exact test's p-value as the stopping rule.
simulateOptionalStoppingScenarioTwoProportions Simulate an optional stopping scenario according to a safe design for two proportions
simulateTwoProportions Compare Different Hyperparameter Settings for Safe Tests of Two Proportions.
tryOrFailWithNA Tries to Evaluate an Expression and Fails with 'NA'