saeTrafo-package | The R Package saeTrafo for Estimating unit-level Small Area Models under Transformations |
compare_plot | Shows plots for the comparison of estimates |
compare_plot.NER | Shows plots for the comparison of estimates |
compare_plots_saeTrafo | Shows plots for the comparison of estimates |
compare_pred | Compare predictions of model objects |
compare_pred.saeTrafo | Compare predictions of model objects |
estimators | Presents point, MSE and CV estimates |
estimators.saeTrafo | Presents point, MSE and CV estimates |
eusilcA_pop | Simulated eusilc data - population data |
eusilcA_smp | Simulated eusilc data - sample data |
fixed.effects | Extract fixed effects from an saeTrafo object |
fixed.effects.NER | Extract fixed effects from an saeTrafo object |
fixef | Extract fixed effects from an saeTrafo object |
fixef.NER | Extract fixed effects from an saeTrafo object |
getData | Extract saeTrafo object data |
getData.NER | Extract saeTrafo object data |
getGroups | Extract grouping factors from an saeTrafo object |
getGroups.NER | Extract grouping factors from an saeTrafo object |
getGroupsFormula | Extract grouping formula from a saeTrafo object |
getGroupsFormula.NER | Extract grouping formula from a saeTrafo object |
getResponse | Extract response variable from an saeTrafo object |
getResponse.NER | Extract response variable from an saeTrafo object |
getVarCov | Extract variance-covariance matrix from an saeTrafo object |
getVarCov.NER | Extract variance-covariance matrix from an saeTrafo object |
intervals | Confidence intervals on coefficients of an saeTrafo object |
intervals.NER | Confidence intervals on coefficients of an saeTrafo object |
load_shapeaustria | Loading the shape file for Austrian districts |
map_plot | Visualizes regional disaggregated estimates on a map |
NER_Trafo | Nested error regression Model under transformations |
plot.saeTrafo | Plots for an saeTrafo object |
pop_area_size | Aggregates from simulated eusilc population data: domain sizes |
pop_cov | Aggregates from simulated eusilc population data: domain-specific covariances |
pop_mean | Aggregates from simulated eusilc population data: domain-specific means |
predict.NER | Predictions from saeTrafo objects |
qqnorm.saeTrafo | Quantile-quantile plots for an saeTrafo object |
random.effects | Extract random effects of saeTrafo object |
random.effects.NER | Extract random effects of saeTrafo object |
ranef | Extract random effects of saeTrafo object |
ranef.NER | Extract random effects of saeTrafo object |
saeTrafo | The R Package saeTrafo for Estimating unit-level Small Area Models under Transformations |
saeTrafoObject | Fitted saeTrafoObject |
summaries.saeTrafo | Summarizes an saeTrafo object |
summary.NER | Summarizes an saeTrafo object |
write.excel | Exports an saeTrafo Object to an Excel file or OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
write.ods | Exports an saeTrafo Object to an Excel file or OpenDocument Spreadsheet |