orgs {sRdpData} | R Documentation |
All self-determination movements' and their factions' use of violent and non-violent tactics
A dataset containing details of all self-determination movements' and their factions' use of violent and non-violent tactics from 1960 to 2005.
A data frame with 12017 rows and 19 variables:
- kgcid
group's unique ID
- group_name
group's name
- facid
organisation's unique ID
- fac_name
organisation's name
- year
calendar year
- violence_state
Any violence committed against government or people working for government (military and police forces included)
- fatal_violence_state
Any violence committed against government or people working for government (military and police forces included) wherein at least one person died (regardless of who that person is)
- violence_org
Any violence commited against another organization operating within the same group in the dataset
- fatal_violence_org
Any violence commited against another organization operating within the same group in the dataset wherein at least one person died (regardless of who that person is)
- violence_ingroup
Any violence committed against civilians of the group’s population
- fatal_violence_ingroup
Any violence committed against civilians in the group’s population wherein at least one person died (regardless of who that person is)
- violence_outgroup
Any violence against civilians outside of the group’s population
- fatal_violence_outgroup
Any violence against civilians outside of the group’s population wherein at least one person died (regardless of who that person is)
- economic_noncoop
Reports of strikes, tax refusal or consumer boycotts that are either organized by the organization, or people from the organization have participated
- protest_demonstration
Rally, protest, or demonstration either organized by the organization, or people from the organization have participated
- nvintervention
Sit-ins, occupations, or blockades reported; either organized by the organization, or people from the organization have participated
- social_noncoop
Hunger strike, self-immolation or other self-harm reported; either organized by the organization, or people from the organization have participated
- institutional
Organization registers as political party, participates in an election, participates in a national or local electoral campaign
- political_nocoop
Organization boycotts an election or withdrawals from political office or coalition in the government