cv.smtl {sMTL} | R Documentation |
cv.smtl: cross-validation function
cv.smtl: cross-validation function
study = NA,
grid = NA,
nfolds = NA,
commonSupp = FALSE,
multiTask = TRUE,
lambda_1 = TRUE,
lambda_2 = FALSE,
lambda_z = TRUE,
maxIter = 2500,
LocSrch_skip = 1,
LocSrch_maxIter = 10,
messageInd = FALSE,
independent.regs = FALSE
y |
A numeric outcome vector or matrix (for multi-label problems) |
X |
A design (feature) matrix |
study |
An integer vector specifying the task ID |
grid |
A dataframe with column names "s", "lambda_1", "lambda_2" and "lambda_z" (if commonSupp = FALSE) with tuning values |
nfolds |
An integer specifying number of CV folds |
commonSupp |
A boolean specifying whether the task models should have the same support |
multiTask |
A boolean only used if study/task indices are provided: used to distinguish between a Multi-Task Learning Tuning (TRUE) or Domain Generalization Tuning (FALSE) |
lambda_1 |
An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter |
lambda_2 |
An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter |
lambda_z |
An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter |
maxIter |
An integer specifying the maximum number of coordinate descent iterations |
LocSrch_skip |
An integer specifying whether to use local search at every tuning value (set to 1), every other value (set to 2), every third (set to 3),... |
LocSrch_maxIter |
An integer specifying the maximum number of local search iterations |
messageInd |
A boolean (verbose) of whether to print messages |
independent.regs |
A boolean of whether models are completely indpendent (only set to TRUE for benchmarks) |
A list
##### simulate data
set.seed(1) # fix the seed to get a reproducible result
K <- 4 # number of datasets
p <- 100 # covariate dimension
s <- 5 # support size
q <- 7 # size of subset of covariates that can be non-zero for any task
n_k <- 50 # task sample size
N <- n_k * p # full dataset samplesize
X <- matrix( rnorm(N * p), nrow = N, ncol=p) # full design matrix
B <- matrix(1 + rnorm(K * (p+1) ), nrow = p + 1, ncol = K) # betas before making sparse
Z <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = K) # matrix of supports
y <- vector(length = N) # outcome vector
# randomly sample support to make betas sparse
for(j in 1:K) Z[1:q, j] <- sample( c( rep(1,s), rep(0, q - s) ), q, replace = FALSE )
B[-1,] <- B[-1,] * Z # make betas sparse and ensure all models have an intercept
task <- rep(1:K, each = n_k) # vector of task labels (indices)
# iterate through and make each task specific dataset
for(j in 1:K){
indx <- which(task == j) # indices of task
e <- rnorm(n_k)
y[indx] <- B[1, j] + X[indx,] %*% B[-1,j] + e
colnames(B) <- paste0("beta_", 1:K)
rownames(B) <- paste0("X_", 1:(p+1))
# custom tuning grid
grid <- data.frame(s = c(4, 4, 5, 5),
lambda_1 = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1),
lambda_2 = rep(0, 4),
lambda_z = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1))
# cross validation with custom tuning grid
## Not run:
if (identical(Sys.getenv("AUTO_JULIA_INSTALL"), "true")) { ## The examples are quite time consuming
## Do initiation for and automatic installation if necessary
tn <- cv.smtl(y = y,
X = X,
study = task,
commonSupp = FALSE,
grid = grid,
nfolds = 5,
multiTask = FALSE)
# model fitting
mod <- sMTL::smtl(y = y,
X = X,
study = task,
s = tn$best.1se$s,
commonSupp = TRUE,
lambda_1 = tn$best.1se$lambda_1,
lambda_z = tn$best.1se$lambda_z)
# cross validation with automatically generated grid
tn <- cv.smtl(y = y,
X = X,
study = task,
commonSupp = FALSE,
lambda_1 = TRUE,
lambda_w = FALSE,
lambda_z = TRUE,
nfolds = 5,
multiTask = FALSE)
# model fitting
mod <- sMTL::smtl(y = y,
X = X,
study = task,
s = tn$best.1se$s,
commonSupp = TRUE,
lambda_1 = tn$best.1se$lambda_1,
lambda_z = tn$best.1se$lambda_z)
## End(Not run)