cv.smtl {sMTL}R Documentation

cv.smtl: cross-validation function


cv.smtl: cross-validation function


  study = NA,
  grid = NA,
  nfolds = NA,
  commonSupp = FALSE,
  multiTask = TRUE,
  lambda_1 = TRUE,
  lambda_2 = FALSE,
  lambda_z = TRUE,
  maxIter = 2500,
  LocSrch_skip = 1,
  LocSrch_maxIter = 10,
  messageInd = FALSE,
  independent.regs = FALSE



A numeric outcome vector or matrix (for multi-label problems)


A design (feature) matrix


An integer vector specifying the task ID


A dataframe with column names "s", "lambda_1", "lambda_2" and "lambda_z" (if commonSupp = FALSE) with tuning values


An integer specifying number of CV folds


A boolean specifying whether the task models should have the same support


A boolean only used if study/task indices are provided: used to distinguish between a Multi-Task Learning Tuning (TRUE) or Domain Generalization Tuning (FALSE)


An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter


An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter


An optional boolean: if a grid is not provided, then set to TRUE if you want an automatic grid to be generated with non-zero values for this hyperparameter


An integer specifying the maximum number of coordinate descent iterations


An integer specifying whether to use local search at every tuning value (set to 1), every other value (set to 2), every third (set to 3),...


An integer specifying the maximum number of local search iterations


A boolean (verbose) of whether to print messages


A boolean of whether models are completely indpendent (only set to TRUE for benchmarks)


A list


##### simulate data
set.seed(1) # fix the seed to get a reproducible result
K <- 4 # number of datasets 
p <- 100 # covariate dimension
s <- 5 # support size
q <- 7 # size of subset of covariates that can be non-zero for any task
n_k <- 50 # task sample size
N <- n_k * p # full dataset samplesize
X <- matrix( rnorm(N * p), nrow = N, ncol=p) # full design matrix
B <- matrix(1 + rnorm(K * (p+1) ), nrow = p + 1, ncol = K) # betas before making sparse
Z <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = K) # matrix of supports
y <- vector(length = N) # outcome vector

# randomly sample support to make betas sparse
for(j in 1:K)     Z[1:q, j] <- sample( c( rep(1,s), rep(0, q - s) ), q, replace = FALSE )
B[-1,] <- B[-1,] * Z # make betas sparse and ensure all models have an intercept

task <- rep(1:K, each = n_k) # vector of task labels (indices)

# iterate through and make each task specific dataset
for(j in 1:K){
    indx <- which(task == j) # indices of task
    e <- rnorm(n_k)
    y[indx] <- B[1, j] + X[indx,] %*% B[-1,j] + e
colnames(B) <- paste0("beta_", 1:K)
rownames(B) <- paste0("X_", 1:(p+1))
    # custom tuning grid
    grid <- data.frame(s = c(4, 4, 5, 5), 
                  lambda_1 = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1), 
                  lambda_2 = rep(0, 4), 
                  lambda_z = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1))
    # cross validation with custom tuning grid
## Not run: 

if (identical(Sys.getenv("AUTO_JULIA_INSTALL"), "true")) { ## The examples are quite time consuming
## Do initiation for and automatic installation if necessary

    tn <- cv.smtl(y = y, 
                  X = X, 
                  study = task, 
                  commonSupp = FALSE,
                  grid = grid,
                  nfolds = 5,
                  multiTask = FALSE) 
     # model fitting
     mod <- sMTL::smtl(y = y, 
                   X = X, 
                   study = task, 
                   s = tn$best.1se$s, 
                   commonSupp = TRUE,
                   lambda_1 = tn$best.1se$lambda_1,
                   lambda_z = tn$best.1se$lambda_z)
    # cross validation with automatically generated grid
    tn <- cv.smtl(y = y, 
                  X = X, 
                  study = task, 
                  commonSupp = FALSE,
                  lambda_1 = TRUE,
                  lambda_w = FALSE,
                  lambda_z = TRUE,
                  nfolds = 5,
                  multiTask = FALSE) 
     # model fitting
     mod <- sMTL::smtl(y = y, 
                   X = X, 
                   study = task, 
                   s = tn$best.1se$s, 
                   commonSupp = TRUE,
                   lambda_1 = tn$best.1se$lambda_1,
                   lambda_z = tn$best.1se$lambda_z)
## End(Not run)

[Package sMTL version 0.1.0 Index]