Computing the Singular BIC for Multiple Models

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Documentation for package ‘sBIC’ version 0.2.0

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sBIC-package sBIC package documentation.

-- B --

BinomialMixtures Construct a poset of binomial mixture models.

-- E --

emMain EM-algorithm for latent forests.
emMain.LatentForests EM-algorithm for latent forests.
emSteps One EM-iteration.
emSteps.LatentForests One EM-iteration.

-- F --

FactorAnalyses Construct a poset of factor analysis models.

-- G --

GaussianMixtures Construct a poset of gaussian mixture models.
generateAllBinaryTrees Generate all non-isomorphic binary trees.
getAllEdges Edges representing the largest model.
getAllEdges.LatentForests Edges representing the largest model.
getCovMat Create a covariance matrix.
getCovMat.LatentForests Create a covariance matrix.
getData Return the set data.
getData.BinomialMixtures Return the set data.
getData.FactorAnalyses Return the set data.
getData.GaussianMixtures Return the set data.
getData.LatentForests Return the set data.
getData.LCAs Return the set data.
getData.ReducedRankRegressions Return the set data.
getDimension Model dimension.
getDimension.BinomialMixtures Model dimension.
getDimension.FactorAnalyses Model dimension.
getDimension.GaussianMixtures Model dimension.
getDimension.LatentForests Model dimension.
getDimension.LCAs Model dimension.
getDimension.ReducedRankRegressions Model dimension.
getModelWithSupport Get model with the given support.
getModelWithSupport.LatentForests Get model with the given support.
getNumFactorsForModel Number of factors for a model.
getNumFactorsForModel.FactorAnalyses Number of factors for a model.
getNumLeaves Get number of leaves.
getNumLeaves.LatentForests Get number of leaves.
getNumModels Number of models.
getNumModels.BinomialMixtures Number of models.
getNumModels.FactorAnalyses Number of models.
getNumModels.GaussianMixtures Number of models.
getNumModels.LatentForests Number of models.
getNumModels.LCAs Number of models.
getNumModels.ReducedRankRegressions Number of models.
getNumSamples Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.BinomialMixtures Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.FactorAnalyses Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.GaussianMixtures Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.LatentForests Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.LCAs Number of samples in the set data.
getNumSamples.ReducedRankRegressions Number of samples in the set data.
getNumVertices Maximum number of vertices.
getNumVertices.LatentForests Maximum number of vertices.
getPhi Get the phi parameter.
getPhi.MixtureModels Get the phi parameter.
getPrior The prior on the models.
getPrior.BinomialMixtures The prior on the models.
getPrior.FactorAnalyses The prior on the models.
getPrior.GaussianMixtures The prior on the models.
getPrior.LatentForests The prior on the models.
getPrior.LCAs The prior on the models.
getPrior.ReducedRankRegressions The prior on the models.
getSamplingCovMat Sampling covariance matrix.
getSamplingCovMat.LatentForests Sampling covariance matrix.
getSupport Get support for a given model.
getSupport.LatentForests Get support for a given model.
getTopOrder Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.BinomialMixtures Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.FactorAnalyses Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.GaussianMixtures Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.LatentForests Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.LCAs Topological ordering of models.
getTopOrder.ReducedRankRegressions Topological ordering of models.

-- L --

LatentForests Construct a poset of gaussian latent forest models.
LCAs Construct a poset of latent class analysis models.
learnCoef Learning coefficient
learnCoef.FactorAnalyses Learning coefficient
learnCoef.LatentForests Learning coefficient
learnCoef.MixtureModels Learning coefficient
learnCoef.ReducedRankRegressions Learning coefficient
logLike Multivariate gaussian log-likelihood.
logLike.LatentForests Multivariate gaussian log-likelihood.
logLikeMle Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.BinomialMixtures Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.FactorAnalyses Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.GaussianMixtures Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.LatentForests Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.LCAs Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMle.ReducedRankRegressions Maximum likelihood for data.
logLikeMleHelper Help compute the MLE.
logLikeMleHelper.ReducedRankRegressions Help compute the MLE.

-- M --

MixtureModels Linear collections of mixture models.
mle Maximum likelihood estimator.
mle.BinomialMixtures Maximum likelihood estimator.
mle.FactorAnalyses Maximum likelihood estimator.
mle.GaussianMixtures Maximum likelihood estimator.
mle.LatentForests Maximum likelihood estimator.
mle.LCAs Maximum likelihood estimator.

-- P --

parents Parents of a model.
parents.FactorAnalyses Parents of a model.
parents.LatentForests Parents of a model.
parents.MixtureModels Parents of a model.
parents.ReducedRankRegressions Parents of a model.

-- R --

ReducedRankRegressions Construct a poset of reduced rank regression models.

-- S --

sBIC Compute the sBIC.
setData Set data for a model poset.
setData.BinomialMixtures Set data for the binomial mixture models.
setData.FactorAnalyses Set data for the factor analysis models.
setData.GaussianMixtures Set data for the gaussian mixture models.
setData.LatentForests Set data for the latent forest models.
setData.LCAs Set data for the LCA models.
setData.ReducedRankRegressions Set data for the reduced rank regression models.
setPhi Set phi parameter.
setPhi.MixtureModels Set phi parameter.