AnimateMap {s2dv}R Documentation

Animate Maps of Forecast/Observed Values or Scores Over Forecast Time


Create animations of maps in an equi-rectangular or stereographic projection, showing the anomalies, the climatologies, the mean InterQuartile Range, Maximum-Mininum, Standard Deviation, Median Absolute Deviation, the trends, the RMSE, the correlation or the RMSSS, between modelled and observed data along the forecast time (lead-time) for all input experiments and input observational datasets.


  toptitle = rep("", 11),
  sizetit = 1,
  units = "",
  monini = 1,
  freq = 12,
  msk95lev = FALSE,
  brks = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  filled.continents = FALSE,
  lonmin = 0,
  lonmax = 360,
  latmin = -90,
  latmax = 90,
  intlon = 20,
  intlat = 30,
  drawleg = TRUE,
  subsampleg = 1,
  colNA = "white",
  equi = TRUE,
  fileout = c("output1_animvsltime.gif", "output2_animvsltime.gif",



Matrix of dimensions (nltime, nlat, nlon) or (nexp/nmod, nltime, nlat, nlon) or (nexp/nmod, 3/4, nltime, nlat, nlon) or (nexp/nmod, nobs, 3/4, nltime, nlat, nlon).


Vector containing longtitudes (degrees).


Vector containing latitudes (degrees).


c(”,”, ...) array of main title for each animation, optional. If RMS, RMSSS, correlations: first exp with successive obs, then second exp with successive obs, etc ...


Multiplicative factor to increase title size, optional.


Units, optional.


Starting month between 1 and 12. Default = 1.


1 = yearly, 12 = monthly, 4 = seasonal ...


TRUE/FALSE grid points with dots if 95% significance level reached. Default = FALSE.


Limits of colour levels, optional. For example: seq(min(var), max(var), (max(var) - min(var)) / 10).


Vector of colours of length(brks) - 1, optional.


Continents filled in grey (TRUE) or represented by a black line (FALSE). Default = TRUE. Filling unavailable if crossing Greenwich and equi = TRUE. Filling unavailable if square = FALSE and equi = TRUE.


Westward limit of the domain to plot (> 0 or < 0). Default : 0 degrees.


Eastward limit of the domain to plot (> 0 or < 0). lonmax > lonmin. Default : 360 degrees.


Southward limit of the domain to plot. Default : -90 degrees.


Northward limit of the domain to plot. Default : 90 degrees.


Interval between longitude ticks on x-axis. Default = 20 degrees.


Interval between latitude ticks on y-axis for equi = TRUE or between latitude circles for equi = FALSE. Default = 30 degrees.


Draw a colorbar. Can be FALSE only if square = FALSE or equi = FALSE. Default = TRUE.


Supsampling factor of the interval between ticks on colorbar. Default = 1 = every colour level.


Color used to represent NA. Default = 'white'.


TRUE/FALSE == cylindrical equidistant/stereographic projection. Default: TRUE.


c(”, ”, ...) array of output file name for each animation. If RMS, RMSSS, correlations : first exp with successive obs, then second exp with successive obs, etc ...


Arguments to be passed to the method. Only accepts the following graphical parameters:
adj ann ask bty cex cex.axis cex.lab cex.main cex.sub cin col.axis col.lab col.main col.sub cra crt csi cxy err family fg fig font font.axis font.lab font.main font.sub las lheight ljoin lmitre lty lwd mai mar mex mfcol mfrow mfg mgp mkh oma omd omi page pch plt pty smo srt tck tcl usr xaxp xaxs xaxt xlog xpd yaxp yaxs yaxt ylbias ylog.
For more information about the parameters see 'par'.


Examples of input:

  1. Outputs from clim (exp, obs, memb = FALSE): (nmod, nltime, nlat, nlon) or (nobs, nltime, nlat, nlon)

  2. Model output from load/ano/smoothing: (nmod, nmemb, sdate, nltime, nlat, nlon) then passed through spread(var, posdim = 2, narm = TRUE) & mean1dim(var, posdim = 3, narm = TRUE) or through trend(mean1dim(var, 2), posTR = 2): (nmod, 3, nltime, nlat, nlon) animates average along start dates of IQR/MaxMin/SD/MAD across members or trends of the ensemble-mean computed accross the start dates.

  3. model and observed output from load/ano/smoothing: (nmod, nmemb, sdate, nltime, nlat, nlon) & (nobs, nmemb, sdate, nltime, nlat, nlon) then averaged along members mean1dim(var_exp/var_obs, posdim = 2): (nmod, sdate, nltime, nlat, nlon) (nobs, sdate, nltime, nlat, nlon) then passed through corr(exp, obs, posloop = 1, poscor = 2) or RMS(exp, obs, posloop = 1, posRMS = 2): (nmod, nobs, 3, nltime, nlat, nlon) animates correlations or RMS between each exp & each obs against leadtime.


# See ?Load for explanations on the first part of this example
 ## Not run: 
data_path <- system.file('sample_data', package = 's2dv')
expA <- list(name = 'experiment', path = file.path(data_path,
obsX <- list(name = 'observation', path = file.path(data_path,

# Now we are ready to use Load().
startDates <- c('19851101', '19901101', '19951101', '20001101', '20051101')
sampleData <- Load('tos', list(expA), list(obsX), startDates,
                  output = 'lonlat', latmin = 27, latmax = 48, 
                  lonmin = -12, lonmax = 40)
## End(Not run)
clim <- Clim(sampleData$mod, sampleData$obs, memb = FALSE)
 ## Not run: 
AnimateMap(clim$clim_exp, sampleData$lon, sampleData$lat,
 toptitle = "climatology of decadal prediction", sizetit = 1, 
 units = "degree", brks = seq(270, 300, 3), monini = 11, freq = 12, 
 msk95lev = FALSE, filled.continents = TRUE, intlon = 10, intlat = 10,
 fileout = 'clim_dec.gif')
## End(Not run)
# More examples in s2dverification but are deleted for now

[Package s2dv version 2.0.0 Index]