technitron.df {s20x} | R Documentation |
Technitron Salary Information
Salary information for all salaried employees of the Technitron Company.
A data frame with 46 observations on 8 variables.
[,1] | salary | numeric | Annual Salary (dollars) |
[,2] | yrs.empl | numeric | Number of years employed at Technitron |
[,3] | prior.yrs | numeric | Number of years prior experience |
[,4] | edu | numeric | Years of education after high school |
[,5] | id | numeric | Company identification number |
[,6] | gender | numeric | Gender (0 = female, 1 = male) |
[,7] | dept | numeric | Department employee works in (1 = Sales, 2 = Purchasing, 3 = Advertising, 4 = Engineering) |
[,8] | super | numeric | Number of employees supervised |
[Package s20x version 3.1-40 Index]