course.df {s20x}R Documentation

Stats 20x Summer School Data


Data from a summer school Stats 20x course. Each observation represents a single student.


A data frame with 146 observations on 15 variables.

[,1] Grade factor Final grade for the course (A, B, C, D)
[,2] Pass factor Passed the course (No, Yes)
[,3] Exam numeric Mark in the final exam
[,4] Degree factor Degree enrolled in (BA, BCom, BSc, Other)
[,5] Gender factor Gender (Female, Male)
[,6] Attend factor Regularly attended class (No, Yes)
[,7] Assign numeric Assignment mark
[,8] Test numeric Test mark
[,9] B numeric Mark for the short answer section of the exam
[,10] C numeric Mark for the long answer section of the exam
[,11] MC numeric Mark for the multiple choice section of the exam
[,12] Colour factor Colour of the exam booklet (Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow)
[,13] Stage1 factor Stage one grade (A, B, C)
[,14] Years.Since numeric Number of years since doing Stage 1
[,15] Repeat factor Repeating the paper (No, Yes)

[Package s20x version 3.1-40 Index]