Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library

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Documentation for package ‘s2’ version 1.1.6

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-- A --

as_s2_cell Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell.character Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell.integer64 Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell.s2_cell Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell.s2_geography Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell.wk_xy Create S2 Cell vectors
as_s2_cell_union Create S2 Cell Union vectors
as_s2_cell_union.character Create S2 Cell Union vectors
as_s2_cell_union.s2_cell Create S2 Cell Union vectors
as_s2_cell_union.s2_cell_union Create S2 Cell Union vectors
as_s2_geography Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.blob Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.character Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.logical Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.s2_cell_union Create S2 Cell Union vectors
as_s2_geography.s2_geography Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.WKB Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.wk_wkb Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.wk_wkt Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_geography.wk_xy Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_s2_lnglat Create an S2 LngLat Vector
as_s2_lnglat.default Create an S2 LngLat Vector
as_s2_lnglat.wk_xy Create an S2 LngLat Vector
as_s2_lnglat.wk_xyz Create an S2 LngLat Vector
as_s2_point Create an S2 Point Vector
as_s2_point.default Create an S2 Point Vector
as_s2_point.wk_xy Create an S2 Point Vector
as_s2_point.wk_xyz Create an S2 Point Vector
as_wkb.s2_geography Create an S2 Geography Vector
as_wkt.s2_geography Create an S2 Geography Vector

-- N --

new_s2_cell Create S2 Cell vectors

-- S --

s2_area S2 Geography Accessors
s2_as_binary Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_as_text Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_boundary S2 Geography Transformations
s2_bounds_cap Compute feature-wise and aggregate bounds
s2_bounds_rect Compute feature-wise and aggregate bounds
s2_buffer_cells S2 Geography Transformations
s2_cell Create S2 Cell vectors
s2_cell_area S2 cell operators
s2_cell_area_approx S2 cell operators
s2_cell_boundary S2 cell operators
s2_cell_center S2 cell operators
s2_cell_child S2 cell operators
s2_cell_common_ancestor_level S2 cell operators
s2_cell_common_ancestor_level_agg S2 cell operators
s2_cell_contains S2 cell operators
s2_cell_debug_string S2 cell operators
s2_cell_distance S2 cell operators
s2_cell_edge_neighbour S2 cell operators
s2_cell_invalid Create S2 Cell vectors
s2_cell_is_face S2 cell operators
s2_cell_is_leaf S2 cell operators
s2_cell_is_valid S2 cell operators
s2_cell_level S2 cell operators
s2_cell_max_distance S2 cell operators
s2_cell_may_intersect S2 cell operators
s2_cell_parent S2 cell operators
s2_cell_polygon S2 cell operators
s2_cell_sentinel Create S2 Cell vectors
s2_cell_to_lnglat S2 cell operators
s2_cell_union Create S2 Cell Union vectors
s2_cell_union_contains S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_union_difference S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_union_intersection S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_union_intersects S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_union_normalize S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_union_union S2 cell union operators
s2_cell_vertex S2 cell operators
s2_centroid S2 Geography Transformations
s2_centroid_agg S2 Geography Transformations
s2_closest_edges Matrix Functions
s2_closest_feature Matrix Functions
s2_closest_point S2 Geography Transformations
s2_contains S2 Geography Predicates
s2_contains_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_convex_hull S2 Geography Transformations
s2_convex_hull_agg S2 Geography Transformations
s2_coverage_union_agg S2 Geography Transformations
s2_covered_by S2 Geography Predicates
s2_covered_by_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_covering_cell_ids S2 cell union operators
s2_covering_cell_ids_agg S2 cell union operators
s2_covers S2 Geography Predicates
s2_covers_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_data_cities Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_data_countries Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_data_example_wkt Example Geometries
s2_data_tbl_cities Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_data_tbl_countries Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_data_tbl_timezones Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_data_timezones Low-resolution world boundaries, timezones, and cities
s2_difference S2 Geography Transformations
s2_dimension S2 Geography Accessors
s2_disjoint S2 Geography Predicates
s2_disjoint_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_distance S2 Geography Accessors
s2_distance_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_dwithin S2 Geography Predicates
s2_dwithin_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_earth_radius_meters Earth Constants
s2_equals S2 Geography Predicates
s2_equals_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_farthest_feature Matrix Functions
s2_geography Create an S2 Geography Vector
s2_geography_writer Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_geog_from_text Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_geog_from_wkb Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_geog_point Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_hemisphere Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_interpolate Linear referencing
s2_interpolate_normalized Linear referencing
s2_intersection S2 Geography Transformations
s2_intersects S2 Geography Predicates
s2_intersects_box S2 Geography Predicates
s2_intersects_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_is_collection S2 Geography Accessors
s2_is_empty S2 Geography Accessors
s2_is_valid S2 Geography Accessors
s2_is_valid_detail S2 Geography Accessors
s2_length S2 Geography Accessors
s2_lnglat Create an S2 LngLat Vector
s2_make_line Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_make_polygon Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_max_distance S2 Geography Accessors
s2_max_distance_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_may_intersect_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_minimum_clearance_line_between S2 Geography Transformations
s2_num_points S2 Geography Accessors
s2_options Geography Operation Options
s2_perimeter S2 Geography Accessors
s2_plot Plot S2 Geographies
s2_point Create an S2 Point Vector
s2_point_crs Create an S2 Point Vector
s2_point_on_surface S2 Geography Transformations
s2_prepared_dwithin S2 Geography Predicates
s2_project Linear referencing
s2_projection_mercator Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_projection_orthographic Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_projection_plate_carree Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_project_normalized Linear referencing
s2_rebuild S2 Geography Transformations
s2_rebuild_agg S2 Geography Transformations
s2_simplify S2 Geography Transformations
s2_snap_distance Geography Operation Options
s2_snap_identity Geography Operation Options
s2_snap_level Geography Operation Options
s2_snap_precision Geography Operation Options
s2_snap_to_grid S2 Geography Transformations
s2_sym_difference S2 Geography Transformations
s2_tessellate_tol_default Create and Format Geography Vectors
s2_touches S2 Geography Predicates
s2_touches_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_trans_lnglat Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_trans_point Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_union S2 Geography Transformations
s2_union_agg S2 Geography Transformations
s2_within S2 Geography Predicates
s2_within_matrix Matrix Functions
s2_world_plate_carree Low-level wk filters and handlers
s2_x S2 Geography Accessors
s2_y S2 Geography Accessors

-- W --

wk_handle.s2_geography Low-level wk filters and handlers
wk_writer.s2_geography Low-level wk filters and handlers