Event Table Functions for 'rxode2'

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Documentation for package ‘rxode2et’ version 2.0.12

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.collectWarnings Collect warnings and just warn once.
add.dosing Add dosing to eventTable
add.sampling Add sampling to eventTable
as.character.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
as.character.rxRateDur Creates a rxRateDur object
as.et Coerce object to data.frame
as.et.default Coerce object to data.frame
as.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
as.rxRateDur Creates a rxRateDur object
c.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
c.rxRateDur EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
et Event Table Function
et.default Event Table Function
et.function Event Table Function
et.rxode2 Event Table Function
et.rxParams Event Table Function
et.rxSolve Event Table Function
et.rxUi Event Table Function
etExpand Expand additional doses
etRbind Combining event tables
etRep Repeat an rxode2 event table
etSeq Sequence of event tables
eventTable Create an event table object
format.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
format.rxRateDur EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
is.rxStackData Return if the object can be stacked
print.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
rbind.rxEt Combining event tables
rep.rxEt Repeat an rxode2 event table
rxCbindStudyIndividual Bind the study parameters and individual parameters
rxEtDispatchSolve Dispatch solve to 'rxode2' solve
rxEtDispatchSolve.default Dispatch solve to 'rxode2' solve
rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
rxRateDur Creates a rxRateDur object
rxStack Stack a solved object for things like default ggplot2 plot
seq.rxEt Sequence of event tables
toTrialDuration Convert event data to trial duration data A helper function to create a custom event table. The observation time will start from the first event time (baseline) and end at trial duration. The interval is the spacing between each observation.
[.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
[.rxRateDur Creates a rxRateDur object
[[.rxEvid EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
[[.rxRateDur Creates a rxRateDur object