rworldmap-package {rworldmap}R Documentation

For mapping global data.


Enables mapping of country level and gridded user datasets by facilitating joining to modern world maps and offering visualisation options. Country borders are derived from Natural Earth data v 1.4.0.

Enables mapping of country level and gridded user datasets by facilitating joining to modern world maps and offering visualisation options. Country borders are derived from Natural Earth data v 1.4.0.


Package: rworldmap
Type: Package
Version: 1.3-4
Date: 2014-11-11
License: GPL (>= 2)

Country Level Data can be joined to a map using joinCountryData2Map, then mapped using mapCountryData. These functions can cope with a range of country names and country codes.

Country boundaries are derived from version 1.4.0 of Natural Earth data as described in countriesCoarse. Higher resolution boundaries are provided in a companion package rworldxtra.

More generic functions allow the user to provide their own polygon map using joinData2Map and mapPolys.

Bubble, bar and pie charts can be added to maps using mapBubbles, mapBars and mapPies.

Try the new method barplotCountryData for producing a ranked bar plot of country data with country names that can provide a useful companion to maps.

Options are provided for categorising data, colouring maps and symbols, and adding legends.

Gridded data can be mapped using mapGriddedData, but the raster package is much more comprehensive.

Type vignette('rworldmap') to access a short document showing a few examples of the main rworldmap functions to get you started.

Country Level Data can be joined to a map using joinCountryData2Map, then mapped using mapCountryData. These functions can cope with a range of country names and country codes.

Country boundaries are derived from version 1.4.0 of Natural Earth data as described in countriesCoarse. Higher resolution boundaries are provided in a companion package rworldxtra.

More generic functions allow the user to provide their own polygon map using joinData2Map and mapPolys.

Bubble, bar and pie charts can be added to maps using mapBubbles, mapBars and mapPies.

Try the new method barplotCountryData for producing a ranked bar plot of country data with country names that can provide a useful companion to maps.

Options are provided for categorising data, colouring maps and symbols, and adding legends.

Gridded data can be mapped using mapGriddedData, but the raster package is much more comprehensive.

Type vignette('rworldmap') to access a short document showing a few examples of the main rworldmap functions to get you started.


Andy South

with contributions from Joe Scutt-Phillips, Barry Rowlingson, Roger Bivand and Pru Foster

Maintainer: <>


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#mapping country level data, with no file specified it uses internal example data
#specifying region
#mapping gridded data, with no file specified it uses internal example data
#specifying region 
#aggregating gridded data to country level 
#with no file specified it uses internal example data

[Package rworldmap version 1.3-8 Index]