mapBubbles {rworldmap} | R Documentation |
function to produce bubble plots on a map, size and colour determined by attribute data
The function will produce a map with bubbles (circles) centred on country centroids (or other chosen points). Bubbles can be sized and coloured according to specified attribute values.
dF = "",
nameX = "longitude",
nameY = "latitude",
nameZSize = "",
nameZColour = "",
fill = TRUE,
pch = 21,
symbolSize = 1,
maxZVal = NA,
main = nameZSize,
numCats = 5,
catMethod = "categorical",
colourPalette = "heat",
xlim = NA,
ylim = NA,
mapRegion = "world",
borderCol = "grey",
oceanCol = NA,
landCol = NA,
addLegend = TRUE,
legendBg = "white",
legendVals = "",
legendPos = "bottomright",
legendHoriz = FALSE,
legendTitle = nameZSize,
addColourLegend = TRUE,
colourLegendPos = "bottomleft",
colourLegendTitle = nameZColour,
add = FALSE,
plotZeroVals = TRUE,
lwd = 0.5,
lwdSymbols = 1,
dF |
data frame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
nameX |
name of column containing the X variable (longitude), not needed if dF is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
nameY |
name of column containing the Y variable (lattitude), not needed if dF is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
nameZSize |
name of column containing numeric variable to set symbol size |
nameZColour |
name of column containing variable to set symbol colour |
fill |
whether or not to fill symbols TRUE/FALSE |
pch |
symbol type, default of 21 for circles, will work with other filled symbol types e.g. 22=square, 23=diamond, 24=triangle |
symbolSize |
multiplier of default symbol size |
maxZVal |
the attribute value corresponding to the maximum symbol size, this can be used to set the scaling the same between multiple plots |
main |
title for the map, set to nameZSize by default |
numCats |
number of categories to put the data in, may be modified if this number is incompatible with the catMethod chosen |
catMethod |
method for categorisation of data "pretty", "fixedWidth", "diverging", "logFixedWidth", "quantiles", "categorical", or a numeric vector defining breaks |
colourPalette |
a string describing the colour palette to use, choice of :
xlim |
map extents c(west,east), can be overidden by mapRegion |
ylim |
map extents c(south,north), can be overidden by mapRegion |
mapRegion |
a country name from getMap()$NAME or 'world','africa','oceania','eurasia','uk' sets map extents, overrides xlim,ylim |
borderCol |
the colour for country borders |
oceanCol |
a colour for the ocean |
landCol |
a colour to fill countries |
addLegend |
whether to add a legend for symbol sizes |
legendBg |
background colour for the legend, NA=transparent |
legendVals |
allows user to set values and hence symbol sizing in legend |
legendPos |
positioning of legend e.g. 'bottomleft', 'topright' |
legendHoriz |
whether to arrange legend elements horizontally TRUE/FALSE |
legendTitle |
title for the symbol size legend |
addColourLegend |
whether to add a legend for symbol colour |
colourLegendPos |
positioning of colour legend e.g. 'bottomleft', 'topright' |
colourLegendTitle |
title for the colour size legend |
add |
whether to add the symbols to an existing map, TRUE/FALSE |
plotZeroVals |
whether to plot zero values as a cross, TRUE/FALSE |
lwd |
line width for country borders |
lwdSymbols |
line width for symbols |
... |
any extra arguments to points() |
By default separate legends are added fro symbol size and colouring on either side of the plot, these can be modified by altering legend parameters.
currently doesn't return anything
andy south
#square symbols
mapBubbles(dF=getMap(), nameZSize="POP_EST", nameZColour="GEO3")
#change colour
mapBubbles(dF=getMap(), nameZSize="POP_EST", nameZColour="GEO3"
,colourPalette='rainbow', oceanCol='lightblue', landCol='wheat')
sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(countryExData,joinCode = "ISO3"
,nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10")
mapBubbles(sPDF, nameZSize="POP_EST",nameZColour="BIODIVERSITY"
#filled bubbles with set transparency
mapBubbles(fill=TRUE,colourPalette=adjustcolor(palette(), alpha.f = 0.5))
#add bubble edge of a single colour (also with option to set transparency
mapBubbles(nameZColour = adjustcolor('black', alpha.f = 0.7), fill=FALSE, add=TRUE)