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Documentation for package ‘rworkflows’ version 1.0.1

Help Pages

biocpkgtools_db Static Bioc packages list
bioc_r_versions Bioconductor / R versions
conda_export Conda export
construct_authors Construct authors
construct_conda_yml Construct a conda yaml
construct_cont Construct containers list
construct_runners Construct runners
dt_to_desc data.table to desc
fill_description Fill _DESCRIPTION_
get_description Get DESCRIPTION
get_hex Get hex
infer_biocviews Infer biocViews
infer_deps Infer dependencies
infer_docker_org Infer Docker registry organisation name
is_gha Is GitHub Action
use_badges Use badges
use_codespace Use Codespace
use_dockerfile Use Dockerfile
use_issue_template Use Issue Template
use_readme Use README
use_vignette_docker Use vignette: Docker
use_vignette_getstarted Use vignette: Get started
use_workflow Use GitHub Actions workflow