Regression with Interval-Censored Covariates

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Documentation for package ‘rwicc’ version 0.1.3

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build_phi_function_from_coefs convert a pair of simple logistic regression coefficients into P(Y|T) curve:
compute_mu compute mean window period duration from simple logistic regression coefficients
fit_joint_model Fit a logistic regression model with an interval-censored covariate
fit_midpoint_model Fit model using midpoint imputation
fit_uniform_model Fit model using uniform imputation
plot_CDF plot estimated and true CDFs for seroconversion date distribution
plot_phi_curves Plot true and estimated curves for P(Y=1|T=t)
rwicc rwicc: Regression with Interval-Censored Covariates
seroconversion_inverse_survival_function Inverse survival function for time-to-event variable with linear hazard function
simulate_interval_censoring Simulate a dataset with interval-censored seroconversion dates